
Portrait de Paule Gobillard

Odilon Redon1900

The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu

The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu
Gifu city, Japon

This beautiful pastel painting is almost the first portrait that Redon modeled on a person other than his family. Her model woman, Paul Gobyar, was the niece of the Impressionist female painter Berthe Morisot, an amateur painter who was taught by her aunt and P.-A. Renoir. Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Redon, who were in their early 30s, had a close relationship with each other, and in the summer when this portrait was painted, Paul was staying at the villa rented by the couple at the mouth of Girond.

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  • Titre: Portrait de Paule Gobillard
  • Créateur: REDON, Odilon
  • Date de création: 1900
  • Dimensions physiques: 52.0×46.0cm
  • Source: collection datebase
  • Support: pastel, paper
The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu

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