The four-armed deity is seated in vajraparyanka on a doublepetal
lotus seat. Her lower right hand displays the varada
mudra, while the upper right carries a rosary. The lower left
hand is placed on the lap, palm out-turned carrying a
shallow dish (patra) while her upper left hand holds the
stem of a lotus supporting a manuscript. The rosary and the
the pustaka generally lead to her identification as, deposited
by the Buddha in the Nagalok, are Prajnaparamita. However,
the varada mudra of her right hand and the patra she carries
in her left hand helps in indentifying her as Chunda. Her
prabhamandala is closely comparable with that of Fig no. 12
(Acc. No. 9440) suggesting that they were made in the same
workshop, if not by the same artist.