
Salle de contrôle du PS et génératrices Sud



Genève, Suisse

Activity at the control panels for the beam-ejection system, in the main control room of the proton synchrotron, during the setting up of the beam for one of the neutrino runs. On the left, Berend Kuiper adjusts the oscilloscope that shows the operation of the hydraulic system for the kicker and ejection magnets. In the centre, Hendrick Dijkhuizen checks the kicker-magnet pulse on an oscilloscope measuring time in thousandths of a millionth of a second (as mentioned in last month's article on the ejection system). Next to him, Georges Paillard views a similar oscilloscope, equipped with a camera, showing the number of proton bunches in the ejected beam. The television screen for viewing the ejected beam at various points of its trajectory is higher up on the same panel.

Afficher moinsEn savoir plus
  • Titre: Salle de contrôle du PS et génératrices Sud
  • Créateur: CERN PhotoLab
  • Date de création: 1963-07-01, 1963
  • Contributeur: GenevaCERN1963-7
  • Support: Film, Photographic negative
  • Link to Internal Document:
  • Internal Reference: Rubrique: Date Planche:7 63 De:16 A:32
  • Comment: Album with images scanned from original photo negatives

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