This piece belongs to the third abstract series created by Pablo Serrano, Rhythms in Space (Ritmos en el Espacio), which he worked on from 1958 to 1959. Specifically, this piece was part of the exhibition in the Nebli Room (Sala Nebli) in Madrid in 1959 where the series was displayed for the first time. The sculptures were accompanied by their original gesture drawings. Thanks to the lightness of these pieces, in this case created by soldered wire rods, they were exhibited hanging and swinging from the ceiling. They projected changing shadows on the walls which added to the sensation of dynamism which the artist sought to portray. The curved shapes of the piece, the random aspect, and the idea of giving the piece lightness and movement places it within the experimental route Serrano was taking during those years, in line with innovations by other avant-garde Spanish artists who exhibited their work at the 1958 Venice Biennale.