Recling River God Plaster Cast: The original statue is from the corner of the west pediment of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece (c438-432 BC). It was brought to London in the early 1800s and is now in the British Museum
Plaster Casts from the National Art School collection:
The tradition of "drawing from the antique" dates back to the late 15th century and was part of a comprehensive art school curriculum in Australia and at the National Art School for most of the 20th century. From 1910 - 1917 a number of plaster casts were purchased by the National Art School (ESTC) for the departments of Art & Modelling from the London company of D Brucciani, a well known and respected formatore. D. Brucciani & Co also supplied the Royal Academy of Art and the South Kensington Museum (now the Victoria and Albert) with similar plaster casts.