Martí is found, and honored, in many contexts. There is no single strata of society that lays claim to him. He is genuinely a man for everyone. This scrapbook, found in an antiquarian bookshop, was kept from the beginning of the 1940s by a resident of Havana, Cuba. Carefully assembling and recording information and images of Martí, this anonymous collector has left us a unique record of the Apostle's representation at a particular moment.. It's an extraordinary example of the ways in which history can be constructed through the everyday acts of ordinary people.
In the following panels you will see the many ways in which everyday people have depicted Martí. Among these are images from a child's coloring book, a mural at a school in Jersey City, New Jersey, street art in Cuba that places Martí within a pantheon of other heroes, living and dead, and public monuments and sculptures.