Title: Service Plate purchased for the White House during the Dwight Eisenhower adminstration
Creator Nationality: American
Creator Gender: None
Date Created: 1955
Location Created: New Castle, Pennsylvania
Provenance: Purchased for the White House during the Dwight D. Eisenhower administration
Physical Dimensions: w292.1 in (diameter)
Marks: Printed marks on the underside of plate: (black) "CASTLETON STUDIOS" around gold lyre with "MADE IN U.S.A" on bottom banner on lyre; (gilt) "THE WHITE HOUSE/ NOVEMBER 1955"
Manufacturer: Castleton China, inc.
Type: Service Plate purchased for the White House during the Dwight Eisenhower adminstration
Rights: U.S. Government purchase, 1955, White House Historical Association (White House Collection)