
Matías Serra Delmar’s work as part of 'Thirteen Ways of Looking' Silla matera de construccion

Matías Serra Delmar

The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum

The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum
Coventry, United Kingdom

Matías Serra Delmar’s work makes reference to the raw materials found encircling construction sites in fastgrowing cities, specifically the precarious constructions that one finds in Buenos Aires in Argentina, where he was born and raised. For this exhibition Serra Delmar has created a number of site-specific installations that incorporate canvas paintings. He seeks to break up the exhibition space and decentre the audience from the traditional utilisation of gallery spaces. Serra
Delmar experiments with the boundaries between installation and painting. The nature of the materials and the way that they have been assembled conveys the notion of something that is both ‘under construction’ and confused. This work was part of the 'Thirteen Ways of Looking' exhibition (2 October - 13 December 2020)

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  • Title: Matías Serra Delmar’s work as part of 'Thirteen Ways of Looking' Silla matera de construccion
  • Creator: Matías Serra Delmar
  • Type: Mixed Media, Mixed Media
  • Medium: Mixed media, Timber and plastic string
The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum

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