The lid has a beveled edge and a straight, strap-like handle in its center. On the corners of the base are four small feet. The upper surface of the lid and the sides of the base are divided into sections with copper-green glaze and white feldspathic glaze, with the white ground further divided through the use of iron-oxide glaze; this division of the surface is called katami-gawari. Iron-oxide underglaze has been applied to the white ground after the clay was incised with the design, as in gray (nezumi) Shino ware. The designs include diagonal lattice, linked circles, stripes, and the star-like motifs reminiscent of sashiko textile patterns; such designs are thought also to have been used in tsujigahana and other textiles contemporary with this box. The white-glazed interior has a generously scaled painting of a bridge. The figure of the bridge contrasts effectively with the geometrical designs on the exterior.