
Stationery box with sea shell design in maki-e


Suntory Museum of Art

Suntory Museum of Art
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 日本

The stationery box has exteriors of black lacquer and interiors of dense pear-skin ground (nashiji). The lid has bands of shells and seaweed, with the direction in which the seaweed is flowing changing in each band, giving a very leisurely sense of the currents. This box has shells and seaweed on two of the corners on the body. Pieces of over-glaze enameled porcelain and mother-of-pearl were used in the marquetry forming the many varieties of shellfish, while the seaweed is in gold and silver maki-e. The upper surface of the lid of this box carries the signature “Ritsuo” in maki-e and the seal “Kan” in marquetry, evidence that this box was made by Ogata Haritsu (1663-1747). Haritsu, a native of Ise, studies haikai poetry in Edo and produced Tosa-style paintings and lacquerware. His use of marquetry, imbedding ceramics, lead, tin, carved cinnabar lacquer, ivory, and other materials into maki-e, was quite innovative; such work is thus known as Haritsu marquetry,

  • タイトル: Stationery box with sea shell design in maki-e
  • 作成者: Ogawa Haritsu
  • 作者の生存期間: 1663 - 1747
  • 作者の国籍: Japan
  • 作者の性別: Male
  • 作者の出生地: Said to be from the Ise Province
  • 作成日: 1663/1747
  • 作成場所: Japan
  • 実際のサイズ: w313 x h145 x d405 cm
  • Object Title (Japanese): 貝尽蒔絵料紙箱
  • Category (Japanese): 漆工
  • Artist Name (Japanese): 小川破笠
  • Object Date (English): Edo period (first half of 18th century)
  • タイプ: Lacquerware
  • 権利: Suntory Museum of Art、 Suntory Museum of Art
Suntory Museum of Art


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