
Sufi, Portrait of an activist - 2

Francis Augusto2021

Do The Green Thing

Do The Green Thing

To create this work, Do The Green Thing introduced Angola-born photographic artist Francis Augusto to climate campaigner Sufiyan Abdul-Qayun. Sufi is a 20-year-old campaigner with Clean Air for Southall and Hayes (CASH) – a group fighting against the highly contaminated former local gasworks linked to residents’ illnesses including cancer and asthma. Known for his candid and joyful style, Francis met Sufi not just to capture an image, but to engage in an open, human conversation about climate activism.

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  • Title: Sufi, Portrait of an activist - 2
  • Creator: Francis Augusto
  • Date Created: 2021
  • Location Created: London
  • Medium: Photobook
Do The Green Thing

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