
The Archaic Mirror

Marián Čunderlík1961/1962

Bratislava City Gallery

Bratislava City Gallery
Bratislava, Slovensko

Marián Čunderlík belongs among the leading representatives of the generation the members of which created the most essential part of their oeuvre in the 1960s. His name is associated with non-figurative or non-objective art of this period. In the early period he focuses on both the motif of a female figure with considerable Modiglianian morphology and the cycle with half figure, entitled Bride, which becomes a basis for his Architectural and Archaic Figures.

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  • Název: The Archaic Mirror
  • Autor: Marián ČUNDERLÍK
  • Délka života autora: 1926/1983
  • Datum: 1961/1962
  • Typ: combined technique
Bratislava City Gallery

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