
The title page of the book "The Theater of Men of Outstanding Erudition"

Paul Freher17th Century

National Library of Lithuania

National Library of Lithuania
Vilnius, Lithuania

The German lawyer Paul Freher (1571-1625) is best known for his extensive biobibliographic work, “Theatrum Virorum Eruditione Singulari Clarorum.“ It is a collection of almost 3,000 biographies with more than 1,300 portraits. It consists of biographies of theologians, lawyers, physicians and philosophers from various European countries, including Poland. A frontispise* depicts four allegorical figures with the titles: orando (Latin: praying) for theologians, sanando (Latin: healing) for physicians, philosophando (Latin: philosophizing) for philosophers, and iudicando (Latin: judging) for lawyers. The book was illustrated by the following German artists: Johann Franck (c. 1627-?), Joachim von Sandrart (1606-1688), Philipp Kilian (1628-1693), and Johann Hoffman.

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  • Title: The title page of the book "The Theater of Men of Outstanding Erudition"
  • Creator: Paul Freher
  • Date Created: 17th Century
  • Location Created: Nürnberg, Germany
  • Type: Printed book
  • Rights: Public Domain
National Library of Lithuania

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