“The Uncanny” is a documentary project made in the Democratic Republic of Congo following the elections in 2011. This story offers a vision of the country,as experienced from within. Through my photographs, I am trying to translate everyday experience in a country that is still undergoing the collateral impact of long-running conflicts. This project arose from my own aspiration to see my country from a different point of view than the often-depicted crises, and to get in touch with the everyday reality of the people. The project was conducted over a period of 4 years in the cities of Kinshasa, Kananga and Lubumbashi.Following pastors, political figures and local TV teams allowed me to gain a deep and close access to many events that rhythm daily life throughout the country. Thanks to my familiarity with the surroundings and to the openness of local people and their willingness to share private moments with me, I was allowed to depict those cities intimately and subjectively, proposing an alternative vision of daily life in the country.
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