A stylized linocut scene of three children on what seems like a carnival ride or merry-go-round, each of them on a wooden horse that is held up on a pole on which the children are holding on. One of them, the boy on the left is wearing a striped galabeya and is barefoot. The one on the right, seemingly a girl, is also holding the pole tightly, looking back towards the boy with a smile on her face, the scarf on her head blowing behind her. She is also wearing a galabeya and is barefoot. Both are facing the right. The third child, in the back, is facing the left, is riding her horse side-saddle and looking forward. Her scarf is also blowing behind her. Her galabeya is patterned, and she is wearing slippers. Her horse, unlike the other two who are white, is black. The children are all bathed in yellow light. There is a patterned background behind them.
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