The small dog by the left-hand border of the picture appears to be hesitating, wondering whether (and how) to jump over the water to reach the safety of the next rock. The small dog, symbolizing loyalty and vigilance, belongs to the young boy Tobias. It relates to a story in the Old Testament about a righteous Israelite by the name of Tobit, who is put to a difficult test by God. He sends his son on a long journey, during which he is tasked with recovering debts. To accompany him on his travels, the boy is not only granted the dog’s companionship, but also that of the Archangel Raphael, whose identity is initially concealed from him. As he walks along the banks of the River Tigris, Tobias is attacked and frightened by a large fish. Urged by the angel, he grasps hold of the creature and removes its entrails, which he later uses to restore the eyesight of his blind father.