
U.S. half-dime


Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario

Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario
London, Canada

This perforated American half dime was recovered in 2006 by ASI from the surface of the Lemery site in Milton, Ontario during a Stage 2 assessment. It is included among several other diagnostic artifacts like earthenware and porcelain sherds which help determine that the portion of the site where they were discovered dates to the mid-nineteenth century. The area is associated with the homestead of Alex Lemery, a tenant of Andrew Biggar, who farmed the site between 1843 and 1848. Pierced silver coins were often worn as protective charms by 18th or 19th century Blacks.

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  • Titre: U.S. half-dime
  • Date de création: 1829
  • Lieu: Milton, Ontario
  • Type: Money
  • Droits: Brad Phillips, Museum of Ontario Archaeology
  • Support: Silver
Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario

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