
Hopscotch. Paris Lost Julio Untitled (7) [Hopscotch. Paris Lost Julio]


MUSA Museo de las Artes de la Universidad de Guadalajara

MUSA Museo de las Artes de la Universidad de Guadalajara
Guadalajara, Mexico

A portrait of Cortázar by Carmen Parra appears in the seventh square, along with allusions to the novel. Pedro Friedeberg alludes to the Serpent Club, Arnaldo Coen refers to the death of La Maga’s baby, while Jorge Robelo expresses Cortázar’s universe through abstraction.

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  • Title: Hopscotch. Paris Lost Julio Untitled (7) [Hopscotch. Paris Lost Julio]
  • Creator: Carmen Parra
  • Date Created: 1984
  • Physical Dimensions: 40 x 80 cm
  • Type: Painting
  • Medium: Oil
  • Art Movement: Arte contemporáneo de México
  • Support: Canvas
  • Depicted Topic: Hopscotch (novel) by Julio Cortázar
MUSA Museo de las Artes de la Universidad de Guadalajara

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