
Actes and Monuments leaf, at head: "K. Henry. 8" Verso: "A Table of persons abiured, with their articles."

John Day and I. Foxe

James Madison University

James Madison University
Harrisonburg, United States

The first volume of the ecclesiasticall history, contayning the actes [and] monumentes of thinges passed in euery kinges time, in this realme, especially in the Churche of England ... from the primitiue time, till the raigne of king Henry the Eyght. Second leaf of signature XXx. Publication date from colophon of vol. 1. Single folio leaf printed on paper in double columns with side notes. Based on Rerum in ecclesia gestarum commentarii. At head: "K. Henry. 8." Recto: "A letter sent to Thomas Phillippe. Tracles Testament." Verso: "A Table of persons abiured, with their articles."

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