Final Fantasy is a Japanese video game franchise owned by Square Enix. Created by Hironobu Sakaguchi in 1987, the series consists mainly of role-playing video games but also includes spin-off games of various genres, anime, movies, comics, action figures and other promotional merchandise. The initial game was so named because Sakaguchi intended it to be the final game he ever developed for the industry, but it became so successful that sequels quickly followed. Sakaguchi credits games such as The Legend of Zelda, Ultima and Dragon Quest as his inspirations. Selling over 100 million copies since its inception, Final Fantasy is one of the top grossing video game franchises of all time. The series is recognized for popularizing console RPGs outside of Japan, and its innovative gameplay remains highly influential in the genre. The series is also well known for its sweeping musical score, much of which is composed by renowned musician Nobuo Uematsu, and its highly distinctive artwork, produced by Yoshitaka Amano. While some direct sequels exist, the majority of Final Fantasy games introduce brand new characters and settings. The series is instead linked by common themes and gameplay. Most games include a large battle between an overarching Good and Evil, and the protagonists often belong to a rebellion against a government or overlord. The existence of two villains is also common. Players may spend three-quarters or more of the game fighting who they think is the primary antagonist, only to discover a greater evil pulling the strings. Items such as crystals and orbs make frequent appearances, and they are generally linked in some way to the world itself or its creation. Gameplay includes many staples of the RPG genre, such as random encounters, leveling up for experience, job classes, and an emphasis on spell casting. The hero is always supported in his or her quest by a group of followers, and battles generally include up to four members of this party. Square released the ninth entry in the series, titled Final Fantasy IX, on Sony's PlayStation in 2000. The game features Zidane Tribal, Vivi Ornitier, Garnet Til Alexandros XVII, Adelbert Steiner, and four additional main playable characters. Zidane must battle the devious Kuja to prevent him from destroying the world. Final Fantasy IX sold over five million copies, making it a successful endeavor for Square.
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