John George "George" Hoff (1733-1816), clockmaker, was born in Westerberg, Germany. George's presence in Lancaster, Pennsylvania is first shown by the following passage: "His (George Hoff’s) earliest dated clock movement noted by the author is a 30 hour movement with his name, Lancaster, and “21 Mai 1769” on its front plate. A case containing one of his 30 hour movements has "1768" inlaid in its trunk…(George) Hoff’s production probably exceeded two hundred movements." (Clockmakers and Watchmakers of Lancaster County, p. 48, Stacy B. Wood) Died in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in 1816. Jacob Eichholtz (1776-1842) was an early American painter, known primarily for his portraits in the Romantic Victorian tradition. Eichholtz was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania to a family of prosperous Pennsylvania Germans and spent most of his professional life in Philadelphia. He is known to have painted over 800 portraits over the course of 35 years.