This work depicts the dramatic reunification of brothers fighting in the Korean War, one an officer with the Korean Army and the other a North Korean soldier. The brothers’ embrace signifies reconciliation, love, and forgiveness amid the tragic fratricide of the Korean War. The base is in the shape of an ancient burial mound, made with granite blocks collected from all over the peninsula. It represents the Koreans’ longing to see the nation and country reunited. The dome is split into halves at the bottom, and the halves become united toward the top of the structure. This too is symbolic of the reunification of Korea.
6·25전쟁 당시 한국군 장교였던 형과 인민군 병사였던 아우가 전쟁터에서 극적으로 만난 순간을 표현한 작품이다. 한덩어리가 되어 서로 안고 있는 형제의 모습에서 화해와 사랑, 용서의 의미를 담고 있으며 동족상잔의 비극이라는 6·25전쟁의 성격을 상징하는 조형물이다. 하부 조형물은 고분을 형상화한 것으로 전국에서 수집한 화강석 조각을 쌓아 만들어 민족의 통합과 통일을 향한 염원을 표현하였다. 양쪽으로 찢어진 돔이 위로 갈수록 아물어지는 형태는 남북통일에 대한 소망을 표현한 것이다.
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Title: This work depicts the dramatic reunification of brothers fighting in the Korean War, one an officer with the Korean Army and the other a North Korean soldier. The brothers’ embrace signifies reconciliation, love, and forgiveness amid the tragic fratricide of the Korean War. The base is in the shape of an ancient burial mound, made with granite blocks collected from all over the peninsula. It represents the Koreans’ longing to see the nation and country reunited. The dome is split into halves at the bottom, and the halves become united toward the top of the structure. This too is symbolic of the reunification of Korea.
Type: Installation
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