The photograph was taken in Krzysztofory Gallery in Krakow. The production of the play “Country House” occupies a special position in the history of the Cricot 2 Theatre. This was actually the only performance that was later restaged by Kantor – in other circumstances and with actors not connected with his theatre. The next version of the play, entitled “Der Schrank” [Wardrobe] was performed at the Stadttheater in Baden-Baden in 1966. “Country House”was restaged by Kantor for the third time for the film “Säcke, Schrank und Schirm” [Bags, Wardrobe and Umbrella], made in the summer of 1969 in Yugoslavia. In the photograph: Act I – Faktotum the Gravedigger leads the deceased Anastazja Nibek to where she is to rest for evermore. An old chest serves here as the family tomb. Maszejko (Footman, Faktotum): Tadeusz Walczak, Anastazja Nibek (Mother’s Apparition): Maria Zającówna.