Aly Khan

Jun 13, 1911 - May 12, 1960

Prince Ali Salman Aga Khan, known as Aly Khan, was a Pakistani diplomat. He was the son of Sultan Mahommed Shah, Aga Khan III, the leader of the Nizārī Ismaili Muslims, a sect of Shia Islam, the father of Aga Khan IV and a sayyid descendant of Muhammad through his cousin Ali, daughter Fatimah and grandson Husayn ibn Ali.
A socialite, racehorse owner and jockey, he was the third husband of actress Rita Hayworth. After being passed over for succession as Aga Khan, he served as the Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations from 1958 to 1960, where he became a vice president of the General Assembly.
His first name was typically spelled "Aly" in the press. The titles of prince and princess, which are claimed by children of the Aga Khan by virtue of their descent from the Qajar king Fath Ali Shah of the Persian Qajar dynasty of Turkic origin, were recognized as courtesy titles by the British government in 1938.
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“All people are a single nation.”

Aly Khan
Jun 13, 1911 - May 12, 1960