Khakaborazi National Park

Hkakaborazi National Park is a national park in northern Myanmar with an area of 3,812.46 km². It was established in 1998.
It surrounds Hkakabo Razi, the highest mountain in the country.
It ranges in elevation from 900 to 5,710 metres comprising evergreen forest and mixed deciduous forests in Nogmung Township, Kachin State. It is managed by the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division.
It is contiguous with Bumhpa Bum Wildlife Sanctuary and Hukaung Valley Wildlife Sanctuary. These protected areas together with Hponkanrazi Wildlife Sanctuary comprise the largest continuous expanse of natural forest called the Northern Forest Complex stretching over an area of 30,105 km². Its objective is to conserve the biodiversity of the Ayeyarwady and Chindwin river basins.
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