
Cloelia was a legendary woman from the early history of ancient Rome.
As part of the peace treaty which ended the war between Rome and Clusium in 508 BC, Roman hostages were taken by Lars Porsena. One of the hostages, a young woman named Cloelia escaped from the Clusian camp, leading away a group of Roman virgins. According to Valerius Maximus, she fled upon a horse, then swam across the Tiber through a barrage of hostile darts bringing her band of girls to safety.
Learning of their escape, the enraged king Porsena sent emissaries to Rome demanding her return. However, soon Porsena reconsidered and decided that her deeds were worthy of admiration, even more than that of Cocles and Mucius. He declared that if she were restored to him he would send her back to the Romans safe and inviolate, however if she were not returned he should regard the treaty as broken.
The Romans agreed to their word and returned the pledge of peace, as the treaty required. On her return Porsena praised Cloelia on her heroism and as a reward promised to present her with half the share of hostages of her choice.
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