By Colección SOLO
Historical tool
Artificial Intelligence (AI) adds a new tool to art, allowing it to explore unknown creative, conceptual and aesthetic terrain. Its appearance has a similar impact to the arrival of the easel, which changed the history of art and promoted Impressionism.
Memories of Passersby I
Mario Klingemann, German artist and programmer, is one of the great pioneers in AI creation. His work Memories of Passersby I, capable of creating portraits by itself thanks to the training of its algorithms, it was the first AI work to be auctioned by Sotheby's in 2019
Appropiate Response
The work of Mario Klingemann and a Special Mention at Ars Electronica 2020, Appropriate Response uses neural networks to generate an endless stream of original texts for each visitor. The artist Mario Klingemann signs this work where he goes a step further and applies AI to language.
A.I.C.C.C.A. is a performative sculpture, a new step in the role of AI in Mario Klingemann's work. Programmed with different algorhythms created by Klingemann and ChatGPT, the robotic dog is able to write art reviews of the works in the exhibition spaces.
Attention! He delivers its critics in a very special way: he defecates them! Klingemann takes another step forward in his artistic practice with A.I.C.C.A. In his career AI has been "muse", "creator" and now presents it as "critic or curator", opening a reflection with a touch of humour.
Persistencia de la narración I, II y III
This work by the experimental collective Ulyss3s plays with our ability to "complete" stories. Finalist in the Lumen 2023 awards, it is the first work of a multidisciplinary collective that seeks to experiment with AI in different disciplines and artistic media.
Content Aware Studies
And from the future presented by AI we look to the past with the work of Egor Kraft (St Petesburg, 1986). The artist takes advantage of AI to combine the aesthetics of classical antiquity with computer-generated results, questioning notions of authenticity.
Egor Kraft
Egor Kraft's works cross art and technology to challenge perceptions of reality, raising provocative questions about the future of coexistence between humans and machines. Works that raise the great questions of our time.