L’Expo de Ouf!

A colorful festival

Le vernissage de l’Expo de Ouf !Le Spot

The opening of Expo de Ouf!

L’Expo de Ouf! This is the unexpected creation of enthusiasts who wanted to bring a breath of fresh air to their city, while shining a spotlight on emerging artists.

Le vernissage de l’Expo de Ouf !Le Spot

The opening of Expo de Ouf!

Each year, this event brings together dozens of artists in a collective exhibition, a rich program of concerts, street shows, conferences, debates and various workshops during these two months.

Le vernissage de l’Expo de Ouf !, 2022, From the collection of: Le Spot
Le vernissage de l’Expo de Ouf !, From the collection of: Le Spot
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The opening night allows us to open our doors to the public and offer them a full schedule throughout the night, giving them a taste of the festival in its entirety.

L’exposition collective (2022)Le Spot

The group exhibition

The festival's group exhibition aims to bring together artists with different styles and from all walks of life. The purpose of the exhibition is to create a colorful and harmonized patchwork of everyone's works and styles.

Une programmation originale (2022)Le Spot

An original program

During the two months, the line-up is very diverse and offers the public highlights related to the history of the place and wild evenings.

Les 24h du Fanzine, 2022, From the collection of: Le Spot
Les 24h du Fanzine, 2022-09, From the collection of: Le Spot
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The first edition of L'expo de Ouf began with the inauguration of a Fanzine created by Cédric Crouzy, founder of the association. It was an obvious choice, then, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the festival by organizing an event around the Fanzine.

L’art comme ouverture inclusive (2022-09)Le Spot

Art as inclusive openness

The festival is also an opportunity to take a step aside and look at ourselves differently. "Etre ouf" (Being crazy) means imagining yourself as something else, putting yourself in the place of others, and opening up the infinite possibilities of exchanges.

L’art comme ouverture inclusive (2022-10)Le Spot

Le Spot then allows those who do not see to talk about visual arts and to form a group with the entire public.

Une Équipe de choc (2022-10)Le Spot

A dream team

This free festival manages to continue thanks to many people: the owners of the façades, the volunteers, the artists and, of course, the partners and patrons who contribute to the creation of this festival, which is open to everyone each year.

L’Expo de Ouf! came about, like Street Art, as the result of an irrepressible desire to liberate words through art and culture.

Deux mois intenses (2022-10)Le Spot

Two intense months

These two months of cultural events in Nîmes allow us to raise our voices and make art ever more accessible. Since the establishment of Le Spot, we have been convinced that it is by doing things together that we come up with the ideas that build the future in the long term.

Credits: Story

Le Spot - Nîmes - https://expodeouf.fr/
Creation: Le Spot
Photos: ©Adrien Lesaffre, ©Louna Laurent, ©Mickael DSVA, ©Lauréline Tellier, ©Marion Herail, ©Esther Delmas, ©Samuel Numa

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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