INRI (2020-10/2020-10) by Maria Luigia SilvanoTempio del Futuro *Perduto
The exhibition c o n N E T c _ PROJECT is thesis project by Susuwatari, a group of students (Stefano De Putti, Martina De Marinis, Isabella Zaiacometti, Francina Foresti e Guglielmo Sudati) of the school Mohole.
Login_1.0 (2020-10/2020-10) by Francesco BondiTempio del Futuro *Perduto
It was curated by Stefano De Putti e Arte in schiscia (Sara Laia Bravo, Francesca Caianiello, Alice Briccola, collective that deals with art criticism and communication) with the support of Temple of the Future * Lost.
Once upon a time, there was man (2020-10/2020-10) by Michela PastoreTempio del Futuro *Perduto
The concept is about the relationship between human and technology. Increasingly immersed in the flow of data and information online, what is changing in our habits?
Interconnected (2020-10/2020-10) by Marzio TonioloTempio del Futuro *Perduto
After a call for artists, the group selected photographs and reflections of 100 artists. Here you can see a selection.
Hyper-connected (2020-10/2020-10) by Elisa Paolucci GiannettoniTempio del Futuro *Perduto
"I grew up at a time when to get to know each other you had to be courageous, to get involved in the first person. It was nice to look into each other's eyes and ask questions, to find that embarrassment mixed with shyness. I am sorry for the young people of today who have not known the poetry of the old world."
E. Paolucci Giannettoni
You can hear the sea (2020-10/2020-10) by Marina GualandrisTempio del Futuro *Perduto
"Bring a shell close to your ear: listen to the illusion of the sea, a gesture as simple as it is special. What is the boundary between reality and reproduction, between living in first person and through a screen? Perhaps it is only a matter of time and the frenetic multiplicity of the internet will affect even the small gestures of intimate delicacy, stripping of their meaning the instinctive rituals that make us more human."
M. Gualandris
MY BLACK MEMORY (2020-10/2020-10) by Gianna CarranoTempio del Futuro *Perduto
"I don't have clear memories, I'm not sure what I saw, the images in my brain accumulate chaotic and happy. Because my memory is external, it's all stored in the black box of a hard drive. I don't need to remember, I just have to connect and the mind finds its order, the memories come back in line."
G. Carrano
TECHNOLOGIES_NEW MIRRORS FOR THE ANCIENT GODS (2020-10/2020-10) by Alexandra ParsinTempio del Futuro *Perduto
"Kali is one of the ancient human concepts of death. Modern technology is the most powerful weapon with which apparent images enter people's minds and hearts, and the imagination acquires depth, even that of the inevitable goddess of death."
A. Parsin; Make Up Artists: N. Martynyuk, G. Piovano; Models: V. Actis Comino; K. Mamadou
Wonderful (2020-10/2020-10) by Domenico TangroTempio del Futuro *Perduto
"This digital transformation fills the squares, but with loneliness and indifference to the beauty and wonder of the world around us. Domenico Modugno's statue wants to wake us up from this bad dream!"
D. Tangro
Symbiotic (2020-10/2020-10) by Alberto MoniTempio del Futuro *Perduto
"The symbiotic relationship between man and technology becomes addictive, replacing air and lifeblood."
A. Moni
Colossal detachment (2020-10/2020-10) by Letizia MarraffinoTempio del Futuro *Perduto
"Rome, Colosseum. Looking out from one of the arches, the tourists shoot quickly. As you double-check the photo, you are immersed in a timeless moment. Technology is a colossal detachment, between landscape and its image. It is not observed, but immortalized, in the era of "I share, therefore I am"."
L. Marraffino
Metropolitan sculptures (2020-10/2020-10) by Simone FogliaTempio del Futuro *Perduto
"Today we are ruled by what we have built ourselves. Surrounded by majestic buildings that trample nature, they deny it. And the contact with nature crumbles."
S. Foglia
Everything you don't have to be (2020-10/2020-10) by Silvia SannaTempio del Futuro *Perduto
"Photography, internet and social media are our tools to face life. Technology as a means of social denunciation, a form of rebellion and struggle for rights. A practice of civil resistance."
S. Sanna
Thanks to all participants: Adelina Cingolini, Alberto Moni, Alessandro Pozzi, Alessio Vaccaro, Alexander Albanese, Alexandra Parsin, Andrea Cova, Andrea Madaro, Andrea Menichelli, Antonio Iadicicco, Barbara Ippedico, Camila Schuliaquer, Chiara Di Mauro, Chiara Piras, Christian Velcich, Claudia Piras, Claudia Salamone, Codi Albert, Cristiano Bartoli, Cristina Fiorito, Davide Fiorentino, Deborah Larocca, Denada Reshiti, Diego Druidi, Domenico Tangro, Elena Cavani & Cristina Cocco, Elena Soldani, Elisa Paolucci Giannettoni, Emanuele Dini, Fausto Bravo, Francesca Bomparola, Francesca Carugno, Francesca Giraudi, Francesca Meloni, Francesco Bondi, Francesco Ditria, Gaia Romano, Gianluca Tappatà, Gianna Carrano, Giovanni Dalla Gassa, Giulia Pasinato, Greta Pozzoni, Guido Giannone, Ida Di Pasquale, Ilaria Cipriani, Ilenia Bellè, Laura Salomoni, Lavinia Paolini, Leonardo Bucciantini, Leonardo R. Martiniano, Letizia Marraffino, Loretta Galli, Luca Rossi, Lucrezia Bastoni, Manuela Fornara, Marcello Michini, Marcello Pavone, Marco Guidi, Margherita Majer, Maria Elena Vecchio, Maria Luigia Silvano, Mariangela Tripaldi, Marina Gualandris, Marta Boriani, Marzio Toniolo, Maurizio Chieregato, Micaela Pedone, Michela Pastore, Michele Turolla, Michelle Durante, Mila Surguci, Nicola Luciani, Noemi Cilenti, Paola Mischiatti, Paolo Rossi, Pietro Bernocchi, Pietro Lo Casto, Rafael Jacinto, Renato Buzinaro, Rita di Giorgio, Roberta Presti, Roberto Ivaldi, Roberto Macagnino, Rosa Salvia, Salvatore Balice, Sara Laia Bravo, Sara Cinelli, Stefania Figliuzzi, Silvia Bracaglia, Silvia Campagna, Silvia Sanna, Simone Foglia, Stefania Berehoi, Stefania D’Alberto, Stefano Rovelli, Stefano Scapin, Vadim Grassi, Valentina Argìa Socievole, Veronica Liga, Vincenzo Scarantino