Visit Massy Opera House

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The entrance hall

Welcome to the Massy Opera House. You are currently in the entrance hall. The opera house was built in 1993 by architects A02A.

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The large auditorium

The large auditorium seats 883 people. 48,000 spectators were welcomed here in 2023 and saw 71 performances. 8 operas were performed here.

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The stage

Here you are on the stage. It's by far the best view in the hall, but it's usually reserved for performers only!

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The dressing rooms

Access to the dressing rooms is via a staircase from the stage. There are 10 individual and 4 collective boxes.

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The rehearsal studio

This studio, located near the artists' entrance, is a rehearsal or warm-up area. Its special feature is that its width is equal to that of the stage, so you can rehearse in real-life conditions.

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