Behind the Magic

Meet Alex Zappa - local Lower Silesian illustrator

Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Hey, I am Alex!

Alex Zappa, or rather, Aleksandra Zapotoczna, - Lower Salesian illustrator, graphic designer, and a painter. My nickname is an anglicized abbreviation of my name and surname, invented for the purposes of working in the UK and Italy, where I lived for several years. 

Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Lower Silesian Witch?

I like to think of myself as a "witch" and when someone calls me that, I thank them for the compliment. For me, every woman who is creative and follows her intuition is a witch.

The Witch Mountain by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

"Stara Mara", Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
The whisperer, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
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Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Creatvie race always ongoing in my head

Creating, manufacturing and making something out of nothing is my element. Although I seem to be an oasis of peace, there is still a creative race going on in my head. I would like to do everything, or preferably everything at the same time - paint, sculpt, renovate and travel. 

A girl with a Polish Lowland Sheepdog by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Preferably in the company of my beloved fur babies - the Polish Lowland Sheepdog Marzipan, two mutts from the shelter Gigi and Tota, and 5 cats.

Sketch from Złoty Stok by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

I come from Złoty Stok, in Lower Silesia

I come from Złoty Stok, in Lower Silesia. After many years of finding my own way, I came to the conclusion that I feel most inspired here and this is where I belong.

A sketch from Złoty Stok by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Sketch from Złoty Stok, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
A sketch from Złoty Stok, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
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From the series "Slavic Gods": Lada by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

I don't like when someone calls me an "artist"

I don't consider myself an artist, more of a producer.

From the series "Slavic Gods": Swarożyc by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

The beauty of a small art

My art is small, it gives me great joy to create it and I am very happy when my creations make someone happy. However, I don't think what I'm doing is groundbreaking.

From the series "Slavic Demons": Domowik by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Life as an inspiration

I try to live in harmony with myself and what my fate brings me. I don't like publicity, so it's hard for me to talk about myself, I prefer to do things rather than brag about them. I am an introvert by nature and since childhood I have experienced everything around me deeply!

The golden dear by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

I was born in the second half of the 1980s

I have been living and working in Złoty Stok in Lower Silesia since I was a child, apart from several years of emigration - from which I always returned to my homeland.

My childhood was idyllic

I was (and still am) lucky to live in a beautiful house near a forest, with a garden extending into the Śnieżnicki Landscape Park. My father bought this house in the 1960s. There were always animals in the house

Otter by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

In my house, animals were always present as well

Together with the neighborhood kids and our four-legged friends, we spent whole days in the forest - building dugouts, huts and discovering the secrets of tunnels forgotten by time and people, the entrance to which is guarded by forest thickets. 

Hubertus by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

There are plenty of such places in Złoty Stok

Since my mother loved to read, and sometimes made up on the spot, fairy tales about fantastic creatures (such as trolls or fairies), my imagination was very active from an early age. 

From the series "Slavic Demons": Leszy by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

I loved all books with legends and fairy tales

preferably the beautifully illustrated ones, which my parents lavished on me. Living close to nature and contact with fantastic worlds created in fairy tales and films, as well as the stories I heard about the history of the region, probably shaped my personality.

Mountain ash, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
Chestnut, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
Birch, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
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The Black Pond, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
From the series "Slavic Gods": Świętowit, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
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From the series "Slavic Demons": Kikimur by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

The variety of styles

I have quite a wide range of style, depending on the subject matter and media I work with - I illustrate for children and teenagers, I have also created designs for games and fantasy books for adults, but apparently it always shows.

Dandelion, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
Daisy, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
Light White, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
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Enchanted castle by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Jaszko and the Dryad by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Lower Silesia - everything I need is here

There is a house near the forest with a veranda, there are my beloved cats, and a dog. There is a forest nearby, my forest, the most beautiful in the world. There are paths trodden by me and my beloved mountains.

Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Photography - another pasion

There are my kids from the Photography Club, where I was an instructor, and there are a million topics here, in which I would like to be involved. Local people and nature is an unlimited source of inspiration.

Jedlovec (Bílá Voda) by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Townspeople by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

From the series "Slavic Demons": Baga Jaga by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Once I settled here, I discovered so much inspiration

I received a proposal to develop a visual identification for the Gold Mine in Złoty Stok and for the newly opened Tourist Information Point.

Daughters of the River by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Lady Winter by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

For many months, I worked on illustrations for guidebooks and creating maps. I walked around the area, taking photos and sketching buildings, streets, and parts of forests in order to collect materials for the publication.

The sleeping dragon by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

It was probably then that the idea of creating illustrated fairy tales based on local legends occurred to me for the first time.

The gnome, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
The treasure keeper, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
Aquarius, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
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Winterscape by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

The only problem was that of course - I can create illustrations without any problem, but I don't have the texts. An author would be useful. Then it turned out that my friend from Złoty Stok, Małgorzata Szumska, the owner of Złoty Stok, was the author of the books!

She wanted to write local legends, but she didn't have an illustrator, so the idea began to take shape. Collecting materials and creating illustrations for Fairy Tales and Legends of the Golden Mountains took almost two years.

The Blueberry Mountain by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

We both come from Złoty Stok and we love this region, and this book was based on this affection to our homeland.

Deer by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Local folklore means inspiration

For 3 years, every year we have published a new calendar in which we present our Slavic beliefs and myths using text and illustrations. And my latest works revolve around these topics. They are related to Polish and local folklore, and this is one of my biggest inspirations.

From the series "Slavic Gods": Mokosz, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
From the series "Slavic Gods": Madder, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
Z cyklu "Bogowie Słowiańscy": Dziewanna, Alex Zappa, From the collection of: The Gold Mine in Złoty Stok
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Credits: Story

The illustrations used in this story were designed by Alex Zappa.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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