Stonewall Forever: A Living Monument to 50 Years of Pride

Stonewall Forever is an interactive, living monument to 50 years of Pride. It aims to reimagine what a monument can be by connecting diverse voices from the Stonewall era to the millions of voices in today’s LGBTQ community.  The monument is made up of countless, colorful pieces that contain digitized historical artifacts, oral histories capturing the early days of the movement, interviews with new voices from the movement, and photos and messages added by people around the world.  In addition to exploring the monument, visitors can watch a short documentary, directed by Ro Haber. The film features an inclusive array of activists, from across generations, each giving their interpretation of the Stonewall legacy.  Anyone, anywhere can visit Stonewall Forever on the web, and through a location specific augmented reality experience that lives at the Stonewall National Monument in New York’s Christopher Park. We invite you to explore the past, present and future of Pride and then add your own image and message to the ever-growing monument.  

Credits: Story

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