Memory institution. by Djacir MenezesBiblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

The Collection

In 2000, in partnership with public and private institutions, the UECE acquired Professor Djacir Menezes' book collection, comprising 16,000 volumes from various fields. In addition to typologically diverse documents such as manuscripts, correspondence, photographs and medals.

In the 1970s, Djacir Menezes, already worried about the future of his private library, warned in one of his letters: "this is not a tourist collection".  In fact, and with good reason, the 16,000 volumes, including books, periodicals, theses and personal collections - Djacir even had the habit of forging his own notebooks and writing in them - which today make up a special section in the central library of the UECE, came not from a bibliophilic or collecting tendency, but from a lifetime of dedicated study.

From paper to page (Séc. XVII) by Miguel de CervantesBiblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

Books of exceptional rarity stand out in his collection: Cervantes, Freud, Voltaire, and many other titles and volumes... They are so because of their editions, their dates of publication, and also because of the unusual design and material arrangement of the books themselves.

Volumes that, once they became part of what we could call a universal library, i.e. a set of authors and their works of recognized - but not exclusive - renown, would also become essential reading dedicated to the formation of a cultural repertoire.

Exceptional rarity (Séc. XX) by Cervante, Freud. Voltaire...Biblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

According to Laurence Hallewell, the Brazilian Documents Collection established itself as the most "important collection of the House" from 1936, when it was included in the catalog of titles of the José Olympio Editora.

Casa [House], in turn, was the affectionate expression given by writers to Livraria José Olympio Editora. Many of the writers published by the Carioca imprint lived in Rio de Janeiro and frequented the Casa on a daily basis: it was located at 110 Rua do Ouvidor. 

Inner edge (Séc. XX) by Cervante, Freud. Voltaire...Biblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

The purpose of the Brazilian Documents Collection was to publish essays from more academic research and studies, as well as more literary texts. 

SAAVEDRA, Miguel de Cervantes. El igenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Dirigido al Duque de Beiar, Marques de Gibraltar, Conde de Benacalçar, y Bañares, Vizconde de la Puebla de Alcozer, Señor de las villas de Capilla, Curiel, y Burguillos. Con Privilegio, en Madrid, por Juan de la Cuesta. Vendese en casa de Francisco de Robles, libreo del Rey nro. Señor. 

For the inauguration of Livraria José Olympio Editora, on July 3, 1934, "the walls were lined with shelves that went from floor to ceiling. The books were also spread out on tables on the sides of the store, creating a large corridor [which for some regulars functioned as a good catwalk]. 

At the back was J.O.'s office [José Olympio/1902 - 1990], which was decorated with rare bookcases and a few benches leaning against them. The result was a sober and elegant environment. The doorway read, in modern art deco letters: Livraria José Olympio Editora." [SOARES, Lucila. Rua do Ouvidor, 110: uma história da Livraria José Olympio. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Biblioteca Nacional/José Olympio Editora, 2006, p. 42].

The opening of the House (Séc. XX) by Djacir MenezesBiblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

O outro Nordeste [The Other Northeast], by Djacir Menezes [1907 - 1996], from 1937, received the seal of the Brazilian Documents Collection, which at the time was directed by Pernambuco writer Gilberto Freyre [1900 - 1987]. 

Brazilian Documents Collection (Séc. XX) by Djacir MenezesBiblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

Edition published by Livraria José Olympio Editora, 1952 

Collection of Brazilian Documents/Directed by Gilberto Freyre, 5, Djacir Menezes, O outro Nordeste: formação social do Nordeste, Livraria José Olympio Editora, Rua do Ouvidor, 110 and Rua 1º de março, 13, Rio - 1937.

Printed dedication: (Séc. XX) by Djacir MenezesBiblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

Inscription on the back of the title page: 

"Twenty copies on Vergé paper, numbered and signed by the author, have been printed out of this book."[printed]
"nº 1
Djacir Menezes"[manuscript]

Printed dedication: (Séc. XX) by Djacir MenezesBiblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

Printed dedication: 

Baron de Studart, the great researcher of Ceará's history"

Handwritten dedication: (Séc. XX) by Djacir MenezesBiblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

Handwritten dedication: 

"To dear Paes,

copy number 1, which belongs to you by priority
Rio, 937."

The other Northeast (Séc. XX) by Djacir MenezesBiblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

O Outro Nordeste: formação social do Nordeste

MENEZES, Djacir. O outro Nordeste: ensaio sobre a evolução social e política do Nordeste da civilização do couro e suas implicações históricas nos problemas gerais. Rio de Janeiro: Artenova, 2nd edition, reworked and expanded, 1970.

"When I explained the nature of this book to Gilberto Freyre, the stimulator and mentor of applied sociology studies in northern Brazil, he soon realized that we were conducting parallel studies: - the northeast, masterfully painted in his work, contrasted with the northeast outlined in these pages."

"The title I suggested of O outro NORDESTE is precisely because your northeast is the other northeast next to mine and perhaps the least known, although it is the most talked about: the northeast of the droughts, of the great mysticisms, of the lesser influence of slavery, etc."

Preface to the first edition of O Outro Nordeste: formação social do Nordeste (Séc. XX) by Djacir MenezesBiblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]


[MENEZES, Djacir. O outro Nordeste: formação social do Nordeste. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria José Olympio Editora, 1937. (Brazilian Documents Collection)]

Handwritten inscription on the title page of the 2nd edition of O outro Nordeste (Séc. XX) by Djacir MenezesBiblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

Author's copy for his old friend A. Martins Filho 

[Handwritten inscription on the title page of the 2nd edition of O outro Nordeste].

Credits: Story


Prof. Me. Hidelbrando dos Santos Soares


Prof. Dr. Dárcio Ítalo Alves Teixeira


Me. Fernando Antônio A. dos Santos

Ana Néri Barreto de Amorim


Ana Néri B. de Amorim
Lúcia Maria Oliveira da Silva
Rodrigo Alves R. Braun

Yuri Zacra da Silva
Rodrigo Alves R. Braun [UECE]

Bárbara Oliveira Silva
Júlio César A. da Silva Fonseca

Filipe Ramó de F. Alcântara

Lúcia Maria O. da Silva
Yuri Zacra da Silva
Rodrigo Alves R. Braun

Madalena Herminio Carneiro

Sara Raquel de M. Ferreira
Adriana Rodrigues

Paula Andréa Rolim Costa [PROPLAN/DDI/UECE]

Pablo Antônio Iglesias Magalhães
François-Marie Arouet [Voltaire]
Rachel de Queiroz
Antônio Sales

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
Stories from Biblioteca Central Professor Antônio Martins Filho [Acervo Djacir Menezes]

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