National Urban League Leadership Series: Hugh Bernard Price

President 1994 - 2003

Hugh Bernard PriceNational Urban League


Hugh B. Price came into the Urban League with a different view on the world. He spent his career as a legal aid lawyer and journalist. Price, who grew up in Washington, D.C., graduated from Yale University and Amherst College, believed that poverty had more of an impact than race on the condition of Black people.

Hugh Bernard PriceNational Urban League

Price's Tenure
During his tenure as Urban League President, he launched initiatives like the Campaign for African American Achievement, a coalition of churches, social and professional organizations that pushed for urban education reform and parental involvement.

Hugh Bernard Price, From the collection of: National Urban League
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Urban League PresidentsNational Urban League

Under Price, the Urban League sponsored its first Urban Technology Summit and welcomed young adults into the Urban League with the 1998 launch of the National Urban League Young Professionals (NULYPs).

Hugh Bernard Price, From the collection of: National Urban League
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