Explore the world without leaving our garden

Explore different environements from around the world in virtual reality

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The Medicinal Garden

This tranquil open space is the first garden you will enter when visiting VBG. Almost everything in here is edible or used for medicinal purposes. Why not take a look yourself and discover one of our visitors favourite plants, Bishop's Balls. 

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The South African Terrace

One of our sun traps, the South African Terrace houses a variety of plants that showcase bright, vibrant colours from late Spring onwards. 

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The Australian Garden

Is that a kangaroo? Take a look around our Australian Garden and discover our forest of tall Eucalyptus Trees.

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Bob's Bridge in The Australian Garden

A firm favourite with our younger visitors, this bridge puts you among, above and below our ferns. A sea of green to escape the everyday, take a look around. 

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The Palm Garden

Run circles around each other in our Palm Garden, this circular shaped garden is a fun and informal space with a tropical atmosphere.

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The Mediterranean Garden

What are those firework looking plants you ask? They're Echiums! Have a look to see just how many we have in one of our gardens. They're so colourful in bloom, so visit and see for yourself. 

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The Long Border

Look up, look down, look all around. Use our 360 image here to see the vast flower beds within our Long Border. 

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The Arid Garden

Careful not to hurt yourself on our many cacti here, to save yourself the pain have a virtual look around before visiting, at least you can give yourself a heads up. 

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