Pinacoteca del Museo Civico Ala Ponzone

In the Palazzo Affaitati (16th Century) has its seat the pictures' gallery of the Civic Museum Ala Ponzone. Built century after century starting from the 16th Century, mainly with the collections of the Ponzone family it was definitely destined to the public use with the legacy left by the Marquess Giuseppe Sigismondo Ala Ponzone in 1842.

La sofferenza di Cristo - Fernández Pedro (Pseudo Bramantino), GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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The section dedicated to the Middle Ages and to the 15th Century, with sculptures, torn frescos, and a wide selection of works of Bembo family is hosted in the first room. The gallery of Cremona's paintings dating back to the 16th Century offers a complete anthology of the painters who testify with their work the passage from the 15th century tradition to the modern style (Boccaccino, Pedro Fernandez, Aleni e Galeazzo Campi) and the introduction of a new Renaissance spirit through the works of Camillo Boccaccino, Gian Francesco Bembo and Campi family, who anticipated the naturalistic sensibility which will be then interpreted by Caravaggio, now portrayed in the famous painting San Francesco in meditazione.

San Giacomo Maggiore - Fernández Pedro (Pseudo Bramantino), GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Pedro Fernandez- Sacra Famiglia, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Campi Bernardino, Madonna con Bambino in trono, san Giuseppe, san Francesco d'Assisi e san Benedetto, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Galeazzo Campi - Madonna in Adorazione del Bambino con San Cristoforo, Santa Caterina da Siena e San Giovannino, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Aleni Tommaso - Madonna in adorazione del bambino con Sant'Antonio Abate, San Giovanni Battista e angelo, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Ritratto di Sigismondo Ponzone by GardaMuseiAssociazione culturale GardaMusei

Benedetto Bembo- S.Tomaso, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Benedetto Bembo-S. Giorgio, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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San Francesco in preghiera, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Felice Boselli-Carni macellate, pollame e bevitore by GardaMuseiAssociazione culturale GardaMusei

Jacob Gerritsz Cuyp portraits of a lady and a gentleman 01 by GardaMuseiAssociazione culturale GardaMusei

Jacob Gerritsz Cuyp portraits of a lady and a gentleman 02, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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The Room of San Domenico hosts a series of works coming form a demolished church and it demonstrates the Milan contributions in local culture of the 17th century (Cerano, Nuvolone, Procaccini).

Cerano-Strage degli Albigesi, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Agelo custode - Giulio Cesare Procaccini, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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The following rooms are dedicated to Cremona's still life (in this room, moreover, is exhibited the famous painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldi "L'ortolano"), to the portrays of the Ponzone Family and to some examples of the painting of the 17th (Genovesino), 18th and 19th Century with the arrival of Neoclassicism (Diotti) and of Romanticism (Piccio).

Giuseppe Arcimboldo - L'Ortolano, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Genovesino - Nascita della vergine, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Cupido dormiente, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Diotti Giuseppe - Conte Ugolino della Gherardesca con i figli nella torre della fame by GardaMuseiAssociazione culturale GardaMusei

Giuseppe Diotti - Morte di Socrate, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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The last two rooms host a selection of applied arts (chinaware, potteries and majolica, ivory objects, enamels). At the second floor the visitor can find the seat of the section dedicated to Cremona iconography, with works related to the history of the town and to its painting representation. The next rooms of the floor offer a general overview on Lombardy and Cremona painting of the 19th Century (Gorra, Colombi Borde) and of the 20th Century (Vittori, Rizzi).

Giovan Battista Trotti- Cavaspino, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Antonio Mancini - La modellina pittrice by GardaMuseiAssociazione culturale GardaMusei

Giacomo Bertesi-Crocifissione by GardaMuseiAssociazione culturale GardaMusei

Felice Giuseppe Vertua, Veduta di Cremona dalla cappella di San Rocco, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Felice giuseppe vertua - veduta di cremona dal po, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Madonna in trono col Bambino e un devoto, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Gavasetti Camillo- Decapitazione di san Giovanni Battista, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Pietro Martire Neri-La fuga in Egitto, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Jacopo Ferrari-Raccolta della manna by GardaMuseiAssociazione culturale GardaMusei

Giovanni Maffezzoli-Sacrificio di Attilio Regolo, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Carlo Vittori - Alba sul Po con buoi all'abbeverata, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Emilio Rizzi - Tazza dorata, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Giacomo Bertesi-Crocifissione, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Antonio Rizzi - Le nereidi, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Armadio del Duomo di Cremona nella Sala del Platina, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Carnovali Giovanni (Piccio) - Ritratto di Giovanni Beltrami, GardaMusei, From the collection of: Associazione culturale GardaMusei
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Antonio Rizzi- Granoturco sull'aia by GardaMuseiAssociazione culturale GardaMusei

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