Theatro José de Alencar - Formative Complex

In a building attached to the historic building of Theatro José de Alencar, there is the CENA - Centro de Artes Scenic Padaria Espiritual.

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

The CPBT (Theater Basics Course) is considered the most important theatrical initiation course in Fortaleza and Ceará.

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

The course is performed out by the Secretary of Culture of the State of Ceará (SECULT CE) through the Theatro José de Alencar, in partnership with the Secretary of Education of the State of Ceará.

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

Since its creation, it has welcomed more than 9,000 students interested in starting their theatrical studies and practices, has performed more than 60 shows and has revealed nationally and locally renowned talents.

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

The inclusion took place in 1991, with the TJA in force for 81 years. The building was in the process of being restored, and an adjacent building was added to expand its facilities, with rooms to house artists and connoisseurs interested in exchanging their practices.

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

With 03 annual classes, the CPBT has its pedagogical assumptions proposed by the theatrical theorist, Augusto Boal, and considers the actor, a storyteller and the theater a human invention in which the subject puts in the other's place, to observe and be observed.

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

In the years 2015 to 2018, it had 1,388 students enrolled. In the end, 286 actors were trained who entered the cultural field of Ceará, either in new theater groups or in higher education. 

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

In 2015, the CPBT offered shows such as: Desprender-se, Voo aos Pássaros and Miolo.

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

In 2016, the CPBT offered shows such as: Agulha Fina, Experimento Nº 4 and Afoita.

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

In 2017, the CPBT offered shows such as: Estribilho, Crias da Terra and Trinta e Duas.

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

In 2018, CPBT offered shows such as: Tempo Zero, Farpas and Re-Talho.

Theater Basics Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Theater Basics Course

Now, in 2022, with a return to classes and in-person presentations after the pandemic, the CPBT offers shows such as the screening of the film Entrelace, and the shows Co.Vil, Maréa and Toró.

Introduction to Contemporary Dance Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Introduction to Contemporary Dance Course

Held by "Associação Prodança do Ceará", in partnership with Theatro José de Alencar, CIDC aims to develop the expressive sensitivity of the body, in order to artistically stimulate creation in Contemporary Dance.

Introduction to Contemporary Dance Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Introduction to Contemporary Dance Course

Association of Dancers, Choreographers and Dance Teachers of Ceará, Prodança is a non-profit entity, with the objective of expanding the space for dance performance and stimulating reflective thinking about its artistic work.

Introduction to Contemporary Dance Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Introduction to Contemporary Dance Course

Among some of the shows are: “Degradation: a sacrifice for novelty”, “We are made of atoms, but also of stories” and “Ruína”.

Single Courses (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Single Courses

Through partnerships with several institutions, with professors in the cultural field or selection through the Call for Artistic Occupation of Theatro José de Alencar, courses and workshops of different natures are offered, free of charge or at popular prices.

Artist Residencies - Contemporary Dance for Adults (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Artist Residencies - Contemporary Dance for Adults

In partnership with choreographer Silvia Moura, the residency seeks to work on movement, attitude and body harmony for adults with or without dance experience.

Artistic Residencies - Storytelling Course (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Artistic Residencies - Storytelling Course

Resident at TJA since 2015, it is carried out by Ateliê da Palavra, a school of oral narration, which proposes to investigate and disseminate the art of storytelling in Brazil and in the world.

Artistic Residencies - Laughter School (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Artistic Residencies - Laughter School

Partnership with the artist Neto Holanda, an artistic and cultural training and training project in the language of the clown and the circus.

Artist Residencies - "Cais" (2009/2019) by Project: 1991Theatro José de Alencar

Artist Residencies - "Cais"

Partnership with conductor Izaira Silvino with a proposal for an ever-renewed show choir, with groups that aim to produce singing shows with new themes.

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