The 24th of May 2018 marks the tenth anniversary of the Museion venue in Piazza Piero Siena. A decade of Museion being "ON", not only chronologically but also very much in the sense of being a dynamic museum with a vibrant and multifaceted identity.
This constantly updated exhibition aims to present a range of topics that have characterized Museion's activities over the last few years, and in addition, these same topics will be presented anew to the audience as part of our exhibition program in 2018.
Installation art
Works of art that envelop the senses, or can actually be entered: the ongoing exploration of the Museion collection and the languages of sculpture continues with pieces of an immersive nature that invite visitors to engage with them physically. The show features large scale installations and light works that give rise to a spatial dimension. The exhibition draws on Museion's collection and presents an array of immersive works of art that belong to the genre of installation art. This selective, by no means exhaustive, presentation explores a number of the different strands of "installation art" identified by the English art critic Claire Bishop. Bishop distinguishes between installations that merely appear to offer an immersive experience, and works that actually sharpen our senses: some change and expand the way we see ourselves, others are based on the participation of the viewer, invited to physically enter the work, not just look at it.
Untitled (colored patterns under green light) (2000/2000) by Matt MullicanMUSEION
INSTALLATION ART (Museion 07/10/2017 – 23/09/2018)
INSTALLATION ART (Museion 07/10/2017 – 23/09/2018)
to be continued_2 (2015/2016) by Werner GasserMUSEION
INSTALLATION ART (Museion 07/10/2017 – 23/09/2018)
INSTALLATION ART (Museion 07/10/2017 – 23/09/2018)
Museion out & about
The idea of taking contemporary art out of the museum, to unexpected places, has led to Museion setting up a series of projects outside of its institutional venue. One of the first was the Piccolo Museion – Cubo Garutti in the Don Bosco neighbourhood of Bolzano, designed by the artist Alberto Garutti. Thanks to a series of collaborations and special projects with public and private partners - from the company ewo, based in Cortaccia, to Thun of Bolzano, the Hotel Bauer in Venice, Fondazione Haydn with the event Bolzano Danza-Tanz Bozen) - Museion has also presented its exhibitions and collection in very special locations. In addition to loans to museums as well as national and international institutions, Museion’s works have also been presented in shows in institutions abroad such as the “Embassy Goes Contemporary” event in the Italian Embassy in Berlin (2012).
Little Museion - Cubo Garutti
At the beginning of the year 2000, the Council of Italian Culture of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano entrusted the creation of an artwork for the Don Bosco neighborhood of the town to the artist, Alberto Garutti. The artistic management of this work was handed over, upon completion, to Museion in 2004. The artist conceived an architectonic structure for a public square surrounded by apartments in council housing blocks. From a formal point of view, Garutti’s sculpture mirrors the characteristics of the surrounding buildings by re-interpreting them. The aim of the construction is to offer a space for exhibiting, on a rotation basis, works from the museum’s collection, thus approaching and involving the local audience. The small Garutti Museum is effectively a detached wing of Museion, destined to intensify dialogue with the population.
Kleines Museion - Cubo Garutti (2004/2004) by Alberto GaruttiMUSEION
"Objects explain themselves. Works from the collections of Museion and the Civic Museum of Bolzano", in celebration of the Year of the Museum Object 2013 (Museion Cubo Garutti 2013)
Embassy Goes Contemporary. Young art from the Museion collection at the Italian Embassy in Berlin
From 17 December 2012 to 28 April 2013, works by more than 20 Italian artists from the Museion Collection were exposed in the historic reception halls of the Italian Embassy in Berlin, with videos, painted installations and photography.The exhibition was part of a broader programme to promote Italian art supported by the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Berlin, and is a natural progression from the exhibition series ITaliens, which aimed to promote the work of Italian artists living in the German capital. To continue with this successful initiative the Foreign Service has decided to invite a number of Italian institutions to present part of their collections: Museion of Bolzano was the first to exhibit in the prestigious venue on the Tiergarten, presenting a selection of young artists from the collection curated by the Director of the museum, Letizia Ragaglia.
Spiegel (Bristol Hotel) (2006/2006) by Elisabeth HölzlMUSEION
Embassy Goes Contemporary (Berlin 17/12/2012 - 28/04/2013)
Marcello che arriva in treno (2001/2001) by Marcello MalobertiMUSEION
Embassy Goes Contemporary (Berlin 17/12/2012 - 28/04/2013)
Light works at ewo
The partnership between Museion and the company ewo, based in the town of Cortaccia, saw light art from the Museion collection being displayed in the company's foyer, exploring different approaches to and reflections on the theme of light.
Museion@ewo (ewo Cortaccia 2015 - 2017)
Plastered Neon (2016/2016) by Brecht HeytensMUSEION
Museion@ewo (ewo Cortaccia 2015 - 2017)
Bolzano Danza - Tanz Bozen
Since 2014, Museion and the Bolzano Danza-Tanz Bozen festival have been collaborating annually, resulting in consolidated evenings dedicated to Museion's media façade, enriching them with dance shows as well as video projections. During the first edition, the Michele Di Stefano's Roman dance company mk and the visual artist Luca Trevisani jointly presented four different, site-specific scenarios, both inside and outside Museion, taken from the project "Friday> Robinson". The video was subsequently incorporated into the Museion collection.
FOLK-S_I’ll be your mirror versionMUSEION
"FOLK-S_I'll be your mirror version" Bolzano Danza - Tanz Bozen (Museion 13/07 - 27/07/2017)
Women artists
Women artists frequently go beyond social conventions in order to analyse them, creating a mental space in which viewers can, and indeed must, form their own perception. In recent years Museion has devoted solo shows to numerous female artists whose work sets out to subvert conventional frameworks, from VALIE EXPORT to Teresa Margolles, Monica Bonvicini, Rosemarie Trockel, Isa Genzken, Rossella Biscotti and Lili Reynaud-Dewar.
Untitled (2006/2006) by Isa GenzkenMUSEION
Isa Genzken (Museion 11/09/2010 – 16/01/2011)
Gibt es etwas, das nicht durch ein Bild/Zeichen ausgedrückt werden kann?/Does something exist that cannot be expressed by an image or a sign? (2008/2011) by VALIE EXPORTMUSEION
VALIE EXPORT - Time and countertime (Museion 19/02 – 01/05/2011)
Le Teste in Oggetto (2015/2015) by Rossella BiscottiMUSEION
Rossella Biscotti - The future can only be for ghosts (Museion 31/01 – 25/05/2015)
¿Cuanto puede soportar una ciudad? / Quanto può sopportare una città? / Wieviel kann eine Stadt aushalten? (2011/2011) by Teresa MargollesMUSEION
Teresa Margolles - Frontera (Museion 28/05/11 – 21/08/2011)
Spiral Betty (2010/2010) by Rosemarie TrockelMUSEION
Rosemarie Trockel - Flagrant Delight (Museion 02/02 – 01/05/2013)
Live Through That?! (2014/2014) by Lili Reynaud DewarMUSEION
Lili Reynaud-Dewar - TEETH, GUMS, MACHINES, FUTURE, SOCIETY (Museion 28/01 - 05/05/2017)
Young artists from the South Tyrol area
By including specific acquisitions subsequent to solo exhibitions in the museum, in its collection Museion has always sought to achieve a balance between international artists and local ones, and the museum's project room is devoted to the work of young local artists (such as Vera Comploj, Nicolò DeGiorgis, Gabriela Oberkofler, Sven Sachsalber and Martino Gamper).
Heimatkunde (2016/2016) by Nicolò DegiorgisMUSEION
Nicolò Degiorgis - Hämatli & Patriae (Museion 16/09/2017 – 14/01/2018)
es fällt / cade (2012/2012) by Gabriela OberkoflerMUSEION
Gabriela Oberkofler - „…und nun von einer Grönlandsfahrt, von einem Walfischfange zurückkäme…”[Goethe, 1829] (Museion Project Room 30/11/2012 – 10/01/2013)
Das Kapital (2010/2010) by Leander SchwazerMUSEION
Leander Schwazer (TRANSART-SKB-MUSEION PRIZE @Transart_Festival_12, 12/09 - 29/09/2012)
Martino Gamper - ENGMUSEION
Martino Gamper - Design is a state of mind (06/06 – 13/09/2015)
Italian Art
Museion has always paid special attention to Italian art. Recent shows have included solo exhibitions by artists from younger generations, like Monica Bonvicini, Micol Assaël, Nico Vascellari, Rossella Biscotti, Diego Perrone, Rä di Martino and Francesco Vezzoli. One specific area of research is the Italian art in the Archivio di Nuova Scrittura collection, and Museion has produced shows devoted to leading figures like Maurizio Nannucci and Nanni Balestrini.
Krasny Oktiabr' / Красный Октябрь (2009/2009) by Micol AssaëlMUSEION
Micol Assaël - ФОМУШКА Fomuška (Museion 07/02 – 02/05/2010)
Untitled (2013/2013) by Diego PerroneMUSEION
Diego Perrone - Il servo astuto (Museion Project Room 06/10/13 – 02/02/14)
Nido (2010/2010) by Nico VascellariMUSEION
Nico Vascellari (Museion 04/06 – 29/08/2010)
Authentic News of Invisible Things (Kids) (2014/2014) by Rä di MartinoMUSEION
Rä di Martino - Authentic News of Invisible Things (Museion Project Room 27/09/14 – 11/01/2015)
Antique not Antique: Pedicure (2012/2012) by Francesco VezzoliMUSEION
Francesco Vezzoli - MUSEO MUSEION (Museion 30/01 - 06/11/2016)
Art & language
The Language in Art section encloses artworks that belong to trends that are very different one from the other, in which written language plays a specific role. Language in Art introduces an aspect of hybrid forms between art and writing, between image and text, between the drawn line and writing, it constitutes a representative manifestation of modern and contemporary art. The nucleus includes also narrative and political art forms or artworks that work with advertising principles. An important role is given by visual and concrete poetry, as much as by artworks of the Fluxus Movement, part of Museion’s collection thanks to the long term loan of the collection "Archivio di Nuova Scrittura".
Lawrence Weiner (from the Museion collection)
Shut your mouth - Art & Language (1973/1973) by Terry AtkinsonMUSEION
Art & Language (from the collection Archivio di Nuova Scrittura @Museion)
VVV VerboVisualeVirtuale
The goal of the VVV project, which was conceived as a collaboration between the three institutions Mart in Rovereto, Museion in Bolzano and the Digital Humanities research group of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, was the implementation of an online platform that allows users to discover and study the verbo-visual artworks that constitute the Archivio di Nuova Scrittura (ANS) of collector Paolo Della Grazia, which is physically archived at both Mart and Museion. For select artists of the collection, the VVV online portal features an advanced search that enriches the data with additional documentary and bibliographical information. Based on that data, an interactive visualization format was developed, which, using a "network" visualization model, allows the general public to explore the data through novel and unique pathways to virtually access the collection. In doing so, the VVV platform specifically highlights educational and exposition-related pathways. This scientific approach, combined with the novel data visualization techniques provided by the Digital Humanities team, greatly enhances the experience of verbo-visual researches. In addition, the game "Playful Art: A Game On Similarity", based on the degree of similarities between the visual perceptions of its participants, is the winner of the "Digital Humanities Award 2015" in the category "Best use of DH for fun".
Beba Coca-Cola (Poesia Concreta in Brasile) (1991/1991) by Decio PignatariMUSEION
Décio Pignatari (VVV project VerboVisualeVirtuale)
[s. t.] (sine data) by Ugo CarregaMUSEION
Ugo Carrega (VVV project VerboVisualeVirtuale)
Presentazione Progetto VVVMUSEION
VVV project VerboVisualeVirtuale
Studiensammlung - studio collection
The nucleus of works that bring together the worlds of images and text occupies a large area of Museion, and the new building features a specially-designed permanent structure to host it. The shelves in the museum’s exhibition space proved the ideal setting for displaying the “Studiensammlung”, which literally translates as “studio collection”.
Journal (Berlin) (2006/2006) by Nanni BalestriniMUSEION
Nanni Balestrini - Oltre la poesia (Museion studio collection 15/11/2014 – 22/02/2015)
Maurizio Nannucci - Top HundredMUSEION
Maurizio Nannucci - Top Hundred (Museion studio collection 18/09/2015 – 06/01/2016)
MUSEION - Archivio di Nuova Scrittura Collection
MUSEION - Enea Righi Collection
MUSEION - Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse Collection
MUSEION - Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano - Südtirol/Alto Adige Collection
all mentioned partners
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