Door of Peace

Station #15 of The Route of the Friendship

De Patronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Patronato Ruta de la Amistad, A.C.

Itzhak Danziger (20th Century) de Manuel GarayPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Door of Peace under construction (20th Century) de Itzhak DanzigerPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

The work of art is constructed of a blue pentagon connected on top of another yellow one made of reinforced concrete and steel standing 7.5 meters high.

Door of Peace completed (20th Century) de Itzhak DanzigerPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

A transition from “sculpture as object” to “sculpture as urban work” is one that changes the personal ideas of the artist to a fundamentally conceptual language of signs and symbols that speak of the purpose and presence of man in the environment. The formal and contextual meanings in Door of Peace are converted into existential values. -Danziger

Door of Peace completed (20th Century) de Itzhak DanzigerPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Door of Peace in itself is a possibility, a creative act where the artist engages the spectator and the natural process of the environment to question themselves about the passing of time in a city. This is how Danziger’s idea is converted into a public opinion when they contemplate the piece. - Gabriela Goldschmidt

Door of Peace (20th Century) de Itzhak DanzigerPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

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Original Location: Periférico Sur (South-North direction) and Av. México-Xochimilco

Créditos: Historia

Acervo Arq. Pedro Ramírez Vázquez

Créditos: todo el contenido multimedia
En algunos casos, es posible que la historia destacada sea obra de un tercero independiente y no represente la visión de las instituciones que proporcionaron el contenido (citadas a continuación).
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