Wearing memories

Explore the specificities of time and customs in the act of dressing.

Photo of the bride, Lycia, and the groom, Luciano (1948)Museu da Pessoa

Life stories and the act of dressing

The audiovisual collection of the Museum of the Person, with regard to aspects of daily life in relation to clothing, makes possible the perception of the use of clothing as a communicative act. Photos and videos reveal social classes, the hierarchy of human relations, the aesthetic taste that oscillates between the popular and the refined, marks the formality or informality of the event, the consumption patterns of each era, as well as social customs and rituals. Thus, clothing emerges as the expression of a social group to which the person portrayed - or his group - is a part. For this exhibition a selection was made that explores the specificities of the time and customs in the act of dressing along the life histories that are part of our collection.

Photograph of Euclides Carli as a baby.Museu da Pessoa


"I was born in a small town of Minas Gerais, called Muzambinho, which was famous for it's dulce de leche. My childhood was very normal, my father had a property in the garden, so I spent a lot of time going back and forth in the countryside, So I came to São Paulo at the age of 17, after finishing the second year, at that time it was five years of second year to study Engineering, Muzambinho was considered the best school of the south of Minas. I arrived here in São Paulo and I understood that I should no longer depend on my father to study. Then I decided to change my profession, instead of an engineer I got a job on Santa Rosa Street, I learned to write in the electric machine, I took 15 days, but I got to learn. "

Testimony of Euclides Carli, after the first job in the Cereal Zone grew in commerce and industry. He is currently vice-president of FECOMERCIO and adviser to SESC, director of the National Confederation of Commerce and president of the Fruit Wholesale Trade Union. Learn more about his story here.

Dionisio Febraio in the first photo taken in his life. (1957)Museu da Pessoa


"I was born on July 23, 1957 in the city of Adamantina, in the interior of São Paulo. It was a very provincial town, I remember the festivals on the farms, that there was a lot of music from the countryside, from country music, In the region there is a place called “terreirão”, which is where the coffee dries and spreads the products that are harvested and then sold, in the “terreirão” at night happens the musical wheels all over the place ...I have a song of mine, I also became a musician, of course, and that is exactly what it was, this scene that marked me a lot, that were the violin wheels and that they continue the same way in that region. When I was six years old I entered the school, and with nine-and-a-half, in 69, I had already finished everything and then I came to São Paulo and here I continued. "

Testimony of Dionisio Febraio, after arriving in São Paulo, he went through several jobs until he started working in a record store, where he stood out until he was able to open his own shop in the Galeria do Rock. Learn more about his story here.

Calogero Miragliotta Netto in portrait taken at the age of seven. (1944)Museu da Pessoa


"When I came to São Paulo, this at eight, nine years old, I first worked in an uncle's shop. He had a large store of fabrics, stoves, refrigerators; It was such a huge store, it was very well-regarded at the time. Later, when my parents came from Ribeirão Preto, I went to work in a Photoptica store. He took the tram to Largo São Bento; I used to travel in the stirrup of the streetcar, because every boy had to show that he was a man and travel there in the stirrup. "

Testimony of Calogero Miragliotta Netto, about his childhood when he came to São Paulo. Learn more about his story here.

João Avamileno and his sister, Maria Antonia, when they were children. (1947)Museu da Pessoa


"At the age of 12, João Avamileno, in the photo with his sister, began to work as a shoemaker to raise his own money." It was my initiative, I got a box of shoeshine, those wooden boxes, my father bought the supplies for me and there at that time there were those farmers who wore those big boots, and i made a good money by polishing them. We loved those boots because it was more expensive, so I became a shoe-shine boy. I did that for about a year, so I made a little money to go play snooker, to go to the movies, to buy a bullet, a candy."

Testimony of João Avamileno, about his childhood. Learn more about his story here.

The brothers Rosana and Vitor in a photograph taken in a professional studio. (1969)Museu da Pessoa


"Rosana, in the photo with her brother, explains how was it to take her father's trade in the Cerealist Zone in São Paulo along with her sister:" Because we did not have that much experience, even so i told my father, "No, I'm going to play the Good Light," but I never thought I'd be able to innovate and be able to play because in a place that’s very machist, everyone would say, "Rosana, the folks are gonna hit you like a tractor". And suddenly when I see that I can survive and put new products on, that's very gratifying. I'm in the middle of the ocean and swimming, that's a good thing."

Testimony of Rosana Leddomado, about taking over the father's business. Learn more about her story here.

Childhood photograph of the Servos family with the brothers Oswaldo, Hylda, Reinaldo and Araci. (1919)Museu da Pessoa


"Oswaldo Servos, on the left of the photo, was raised by his father on the top of a lace, embroidery and fabric store in Rio de Janeiro. Later, he took controlo f the business. How it worked: "My father was very manual at the time, right? He used to say: "I want beads, I want sequins, 100 sequins" And then I needed to count: "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven". "Now 100 red". Understood? It was a damn workhorse. His father then asked for more than 30 friends to help, and everyone was packing in 50-piece bags each. “Everybody worked, it became a thing. My aunt, too, my uncle to help at that time. At the age of thirteen I used to go to the conter with my cousin to sell everything, to earn commission. It was a binge. ".

Testimony of Ronaldo Servos, about the business of his family. Learn more about his story here.

School photography for the Vila Guarani School Group, 2nd year. (1965)Museu da Pessoa


I studied at the school called “São Martinho de Lima”, and we respected the teachers, because, at that time, they were our second parents. We used to make that traditional line, sing the anthem, get back inside, and while the teacher did not sit, we would not sit, we would stay quiet, and then sit down. And then I went to the Monte Alegre College, which was also nearby, it was on the other side of the field, it had a field that divided one college from the other. After that, I went to Colonel Domingos Quirino Ferreira, who was there near the “Avenida do Café”, on “Rua Diederichsen”. More or less what I remember from my childhood in Jabaquara was a circus I had with Mario Zan, who used to live nearby, then it became a movie theater, I was going to watch Mazzaropi movies, that's what I liked the most.It was when the subway started, I saw all those digs. I should have been about 13, there, I saw all those digs in the subway there in Conceição Station, which was the closest to me. I did not know exactly what it was there, I was a child, I knew that it was going to be a means of transport, something, but before I moved there, I saw the whole process. "

Testimony of Reinaldo Ramos de Carvalho, pictures like this were common in school groups of the time. He stayed in the São Paulo’s neighborhood of Jabaquara until the age of 14, when he moved to Pinheiros. Learn more abour his story here.

Remembrance of the completion of Rubens' primary course (1951)Museu da Pessoa

Reminder of the completion of Rubens' primary course. Rubens studied at Clube Escola Romão Puiggari, in the district of Brás, in São Paulo.

Jorgete Bichara Jeleilate at the age of eight in his first communion. (1932)Museu da Pessoa

When she was six years old, Jorgete got into na internal school, and stayed there for two years. It was a school only for girls, named Nossa senha Auxiliadora. After her first communion, she moved to Rio de Janeiro.

Adilson's first communion, at the age of thirteen. (1953)Museu da Pessoa

Angelo Del Vecchio in photo offered to his grandparents and uncles. (1947)Museu da Pessoa


"My grandfathers were Sicilians, they arrived in Brazil at the beginning of the century, my grandfather was a luthier there in Italy, he made mandolin, and they decided to start making repairs of musical instruments. They opened a business in Ouvidor street, They called the place “Largo do Piques”. Today there is nothing there, Today it's “Praça da Bandeira”. And there was a very serious problem that when it rained flood! And since musical instruments were all based on wood, water was the enemy number one! And it was a problem. After my grandfather left, retired, the name became brothers Del Vecchio, who were my father and my uncle. The two of them dedicated themselves a lot. I lived in a street near Augusta Street, at the time it still had a tram. I spent almost my entire childhood there. I think the neighborhood was Cerqueira César. I stayed there for about ten years or so. We lived about ten years there."

Testimony of Angelo Del Vecchio, talking about childhood in the center of São Paulo and the beginning of the family instruments business. Learn more about his story here.

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Angelo lived in Augusta street during his childhood, at the time it was already a comercial place. While describing the street shopping, he reminds of a well known photographer in that place, called Hejo. He used to take every photo of first communion, as the one taken as a memory for Angelo’s uncles and grandfathers.

Fashion show at Rua Augusta (1973)Museu da Pessoa

In 1973, the Brazilian Fashion Center made a parade in the heart of Rua Augusta, transforming the famous road into a catwalk.

The "Rebel without a cause" generationMuseu da Pessoa

On this video, Roberto Viccente Frizzo describe the habits of a youth, marked by the icons from the movies and music, reminding of the Augusta street as being the pole of all this youth insurrection.

Dionisio Febraio poses for photo during motorcycle ride. (1985) by Dionísio FebraioMuseu da Pessoa

Rock n 'roll profoundly influenced a whole generation of dress and costumes, as was the case of Dionysius. The record label he founded earned the name "Aqualung", a great success of progressive rock band “Jethro Tull”.

Photograph taken by one of the heads of Carlos and Valentine, as a gift for Carlos. (1960)Museu da Pessoa


"I started working when I was 12 to 13. My father worked in a construction company called “the Construction Company Module Engineering and Architecture”, it's at the IAB, Institute of Architects of Brazil. My dad talked to one of the company's owners and I joined the company to work as an officce boy. I worked for a year and a half without registering, my father was very angry that they did not register me, but he worked there too, and he could be fired if he started to push too hard, but he wasn’t afraid of anything. I started to work with an authorization from the Juvenile Court, signed by my father, because at the time it was not possible to start being registered under the age of 14. My father always said: "Do not work without registration" and in the second company that I worked I was without registration, almost at the end of the year I spoke with my boss, the other day I got fired. From then on I was always registered. Since my first job, my payment has always been given to my mother. But from a certain moment, when you are already a boy, you start to want certain things. One of the first things I bought was a vinyl. "

Testimony of Carlos Sereno, the hat that he and his father, Valentin, use in the photo was common in everyday men's clothing of the time. Learn more about his story here.

Indiana Jones hat (2008)Museu da Pessoa

Sérgio Cury Zakia’s dad was a partner in the hat’s factory. Later, Sérgio began to work in the factory. Today he’s the one who runs the Family business. Apart from selling hats in Brazil, he also exports them to Bolívia, United States, Mexico and Colombia.

The Monroe Headquarters (1982)Museu da Pessoa


In 1939, Marciliano Carlos Monroe learned from a hatter to create hats. At that time, it was very common for men to wear, it was fashionable. "We made two thousand hats a day, three thousand hats a day at the factory, we worked a lot. The tools are composed of shapes, from 53 to 58, 59, 60, the wood frames and there we did the Hat, according to the measure of the person. We would make the reform, the customer would bring the old dirty hat, to wash and dye the hat. Sometimes someone asked to dye, so we dyed. "

Testimony of Marciliano Monroe, about his work with hats. Learn more about his story here.

Vito Mastrorosa was a sailor, he knew the world traveling in this way. (1920)Museu da Pessoa


"My father got to know the whole world by working in the Navy. When my father met Brazil, he wrote to his brothers saying tha Brazil was a good country, so they could come here. He thought at the time that in Brazil, any illiterate would become a millionaire. And in his land, where he was, he needed to speak four languages, he had to have several colleges, only to buy a house and pay for it. "

Testimony of Victor Ottone Mastrorosa, telling about the life of his father, who was from Polignano, in southern Italy, and came to Brazil to try life. Learn more about his story here.

Vito Mastrorosa exercising in bathing suits at the Tietê Regattas Club. (1945)Museu da Pessoa

Nelson, in leisure time, enjoys a beach in France. (1952)Museu da Pessoa


"Conrado Ross, who was a coach, took me in. If I remember correctly, I had been loaned to Uberaba and I scored three goals against the team he was training in. But I was a São Paulo player , They needed to release me to go to Europe.I went on the Contibiantamano ship. When he left the port of Santos it was already dark. People were waving and we had our hearts aching thinking "where will I go?”. We went to Sochaux, it is in the east of France, near Straburg, on the border with Germany. We mixed up a little bit of each language and turned around, the important was to know how to play ball! They already put us to play, it was a different time because they never had foreigners playing, and they had me and two Argentines. My first goal in France was against a team of Toulon, a goal of bicycle. The last team I played in France was Roubaix. I went to Paris and I went to Roubaix in the north of France. It is a small town specialized in cashmere weaving. I thought about staying there playing to study weaving techniques, their fabric is very good. But it did not work there, I played only one game. Then we took the ship and came to Brazil. Back in the day, an uncle saw in the paper that Air France was in need of French-speaking sales promoters, and I went in. After a while a friend of mine left the company and with that opened a vacancy for the Public Relations department, which was not so common in companies. As I already knew the people of the press, I was in this position as director and I ended up founding the department. There he began to have a sand sculpture contest, and was asked for all countries to contribute. And I participated! I went to the beaches and it was very good! "

Testimony of Nelson Zéglio, after playing football worked for years in French civil aviation, where he had the opportunity to enjoy several French beaches. Learn more about his story.

Photo of newlyweds Giuseppi and Rosina Leddomado. (1958)Museu da Pessoa


Giuseppi and Rosina Leddomado dated, got engaged and got married in three months. The wedding party lasted three days, and was the most creative party ever made in the neighborhood. Even Chianti Wine was imported for the big date.

"So much so that you have a notion: my mother dated, engaged and married in three months. Because my father was from Rio, he needed to come back and it was a big wedding, here in this house, it lasted three days.”

Testemony of Rosana Leddomado, talking about the marriage of her parents, Giuseppi and Rosina. Learn more about her story here.

Studio photo of the newlyweds Anna and John Rodak. (1950)Museu da Pessoa


"My father was a very amusing person and he came with three years old to live here in Brás. And he was only one born in Beirut because my grandfather was from the Republic of Moldova, from the principality of Moldavia in fact, and my Grandma was from Armenia.Then he was only born there by a circumstance and came to live in Brás on a street that only lived Neapolitan. Then my father, if you talked to him, you thought you were speaking with an Italian because he almost didn’t Spoke Arabic, he spoke more Italian than Arabic. "

Testimony of Matheus Rodak, son of the bride and groom. Learn more about his story here.

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The Parish Matrix Bom Jesus, where the couple Rodak married, is the main church in the district of São Paulo. The neighborhood received many immigrants, mainly Italians like Leddomado, who arrived in the city to work in the industries. Later the neighborhood would become one of the main points of commerce of the city.

The bride Gilza poses for a photo on the day of her marriage with João Eduardo. (1953)Museu da Pessoa


"Cosmetics in Brazil did not exist, to begin with." Rhodia, Max Factor, those things you bought at “Casa Sloper”, or Mappin, a colony, something like that, had appeared. The person would convince himself that he had to use only those who went to Europe and brought the imported creams...But the Brazilian, not at all .Even the Brazilians with purchasing power were not really aware of what it was The cosmetology. "

Testimony of Gilza Guerra, who poses in the photo on the day of hes marriage with João Eduardo (1953).Learn more about her story here.

Wedding of Silvio Yoiti Katsuragi and Fernanda Katsuragi in a Buddhist temple. (1986)Museu da Pessoa


"I am married today with a Portuguese descendant, so the cultures are very different. Her father had a bank, a butcher in front of my parents’s fishmonger. But I promised my mother that I would continue their business. And I think it was the best thing I did because working at Fish market I met my wife, I have a much larger range of friends than if I were an employee of any company. And day by day, today has a more flexible schedule, but at that time, we practically worked from Sunday to Sunday, And as I told you, the Lapa Market was a family because we were together every day. It's still going on, one goes in the other's house, goes out to dinner together, has lunch together. "

Testimony of Silvio Yoiti Katsuragi, about how he met his wife while giving continuity to the family business. Learn more about his story here.

Second marriage of Hermogenes, with Maria Bicalho, in the Greek Orthodox Church.Museu da Pessoa


"When he had tuberculosis, Hermogenes underwent to the painful and precarious treatment of the time, which almost brought him to death. From there on, he studied yoga and became one of the first masters in Brazil. "One of the precepts of Yoga It is detachment, because evil is attachment. Then your "I" being attached to things, is the feeling of possession accompanying the growth of the ego and we accumulate things to conquer ... You own what? the car, it ends, women, models, what wealth they have? physical beauty ends, I do not know if you already found out that it ends, I look in the mirror and I see that it ends. And I went through experiences, I have 50 years of that life, it's not 50 years of life, it's 50 years of practice. "

Testimony of José Hermógenes de Andrade Filho, telling about his life and the ways that led him to be one of the first Yoga teachers in Brazil. Learn more about his story here.

Maria Luiza Serena Pierin in the house where she lived in Paraná, 1944, From the collection of: Museu da Pessoa
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The brothers Antônio, Fernando and João with their mother, Vitalina, in the Azores archipelago, From the collection of: Museu da Pessoa
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Portrait of the couple Maria and João in Pernambuco.Museu da Pessoa

Portrait of the couple João and Maria taken in studio in the capital of Recife, Pernambuco.

The couple Benito Gil and Pilar in a photograph taken in Spain., 1949, From the collection of: Museu da Pessoa
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Studio photography of the entire Matheus family (1934)Museu da Pessoa

Studio photography of the entire Matheus family, with the brothers Euzébio, Manuel, Silvina, Emília and Maria da Piedade and the parents Antonio and Rosa. Antonio wanted to take the photo because Rosa was sick, in fact she died a few months later due to heart problems. (Limeira, 1934)

Consolato Laganá in a photo taken at his shop in Praça da República. Consolato shows different models of shoes, that baptized with names like: 1800, Aristorres, Mamãe, etc. (1978)Museu da Pessoa

Consolato Laganá in a photo taken at his shop in Praça da República. Consolato shows different models of shoes, that he baptized with names like: 1800, Aristorres, Mama, etc.

I started making beautiful and anatomical shoesMuseu da Pessoa

Maria Blessa Costa and her mother, Carmem Blessa, in a meeting during the weekend at Carmen's house.Museu da Pessoa

Joaquim and Manoela Medrano, maternal grandparents of Rubens Torres Medrano.Museu da Pessoa


"My grandparents, both paternal and maternal, were Spanish, came from the south of Spain, from the area of Andalusia, and when they arrived they went to the interior because the immigrants generally came to farm work. They went to Catanduva, stayed there for some time, not long, then migrated here to the capital and came to the neighborhood of Mooca, place that welcomed all the immigrants, of various origins, Spanish, Italian, Lithuanians, I believe that the neighborhood of Mooca was specialized in receiving immigrants. I used to speak Spanish very well, and sometimes I used to translate things for my grandmother. This was important in my language education. After many years, in my trade, what I learned there with my grandparents, the Castilian language served me a lot. "

Testimony of Rubens Torres Medrano, talking about his grandparents of Spanish origin. Learn more about his story here.

Credits: Story


Lucas Ferreira de Lara
Felipe Rocha
Carolina Alves Figueiredo
Tamires Youssef

Textos e Tradução:
Carolina Alves Figueiredo
Felipe Rocha

Fotografias: Acervo/Museu da Pessoa


Karen Worcman

Diretora executiva
Sonia London

Conte Sua História
Lucas Ferreira de Lara
Felipe Rocha
Gabriel Medeiros Morais
Tamires Youssef
Carolina Alves Figueiredo

Caio Coimbra
Keli Garrafa
Allan Russo Fava

Sustentabilidade e comunicação
Rosana Miziara
Daniel Ajzental

Gestão e produção
Marcos Terra
Gabriela Ottengy

Sonia London
Lia Paraventi
Marcia Trezza
Danilo Eiji Lopes

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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