Asia Meridionale e
Sudest Asiatico
Primo piano. Statuaria in pietra, bronzo, legno; dal II secolo a.C. al XIX secolo d.C.
Primo piano. Arte funeraria in ceramica, bronzo, legno e pietra, dal IV millennio a.C. al X secolo d.C.
Tap to explore
First and second floor. Buddha statues from the 9th to the 18th Century A.D. and objects from the 18th Century to the 20th.
Tap to explore
Himalayan region
Third floor. Statues, thang-ka and ritual objects from Tibet collection.
Tap to explore
Islamic countries
Fourth floor. Objects from Middle East, Iran, Turkey and ex-Soviet republics of Central Asia, from the 8th to the 18th Century A.D.
Fondazione Torino Musei
Museo d'Arte Orientale Torino
Archivio Fotografico Fondazione Torino Musei
Team Comunicazione Fondazione Torino Musei
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