Painter's palettes

Discover the works selected in this contest.

By Asociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors

Poster (2020) by Mª Dolores Barreda PérezAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Painter's palettes

Painter's pallette is not only a working tool, but an inspiration and a perfect canvas where lettig it flow. And it is in this context that the AEPE inaugurates this exhibition, giving the participants a new canvas and asking them to forget its utility and search for its beauty.

Its first edition is also the third AEPE's exhibition that takes place in a virtual way due to Covid-19 and, like some others, whitout awards.

Painter's palettes

Discover now a small selection of the participant works.

Penélope and her friends (2020) by Aquafonía Toñi LópezAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Aquafonía Toñi López
Penélope and her friends

The mixtures on the palette (2020) by Mayte RamosAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Mayte Ramos
The mixtures on the palette

The dog and the moon (2020) by Juan MarbánAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Juan Marbán
The dog and the moon

Oxide on the palette (2020) by Rosa LecumberriAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Rosa Lecumberri
Oxide on the palette

Dream at Zuloaga (2020) by Manuel Díaz MeréAsociación Española de Pintores y Escultores

Manuel Díaz Meré
Dream at Zuloaga

Credits: Story


The Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors wants to thank all the participant artists.

Special mention to AEPE's General Sercetary, Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez, due to her effort, ilusion and hard work on making possible this exhibition.

Poster designer:
Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez

Mª Dolores Barreda Pérez

Itziar Zabalza Murillo

Olga Villasante Fernández

Asociación Española de Pintores y Escultores
Phone number: 915 22 49 61

Credits: All media
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