Marion Baruch: A Leap Into the Void

A work based on the absence

Boetti #2 (2013) di Baruch MarionLa Galleria Nazionale

Marion Baruch's work is based on the absence.
The lack of something, that could be as well as a piece of disused silk or your place in the world, is treated by the artist in a similar way.

Once the lack is located, the precise eye of Marion Baruch analyzes it, recognizes its features and reinterprets them.

Magnifique (2015) di Baruch MarionLa Galleria Nazionale

Her gestures, precise as laser cuts, restore dignity to industrial textile waste, her point of view shifts the focus from the leftover to open scenes of theaters, equatorial landscapes and windows with a view over the world.

Her artistic research that always focuses on what is not there, starting with belonging to a community.

Sculpture (Spirito della giungla) (2015) di Baruch MarionLa Galleria Nazionale

His personal history is traversed by all the conflicts of the twentieth century, and her art has always sought an answer to those tragedies.

The term innenausseninnen (insideoutsideinside) that the artist herself coined, perfectly represents the flow of her research, binding the correspondence of cause and effect.

The theme of emptiness is not intended as a spiritual nothingness, but rather the very essence of free space.

with which the visitor is invited to interact with the body and gaze.

Ringraziamenti: tutti i partner multimediali
In alcuni casi, la storia potrebbe essere stata realizzata da una terza parte indipendente; pertanto, potrebbe non sempre rappresentare la politica delle istituzioni (elencate di seguito) che hanno fornito i contenuti.
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