The Sights and Sounds of Wangechi Mutu

Enjoy an audio tour of 'Homeward Bound' from the collection of the SCAD Museum of Art

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Homeward Bound (2010) by Wangechi MutuSCAD Museum of Art

Here is Kenyan artist Wangechi Mutu's piece Homeward Bound. Created using photo-based materials from magazines, the work is a re-configuring of contemporary imagery into a morphed representation of the female form. Take a closer look and listen...

Roaring Tiger

The most striking feature of the figure is the face, placing human lips and eyes over the face of a tiger. Mutu's hybrid imagery explores reclamation, empowerment, and identity politics through the female form... and this figure looks ready to roar!

Frogs Croaking

Within this contemporary portrait, the bust is created from natural and constructed elements, including this diamante frog...

Creepy Crawly

...and this spider-like creature that blends into the textured background.

Birds Chirping

Winged creatures, such as this bird, have also been added to form a dynamic, stylized being.

Motor Engine

Contrasting with the bold metals and mechanical objects, Mutu depicts a woman not contained by the world around her, but rather, composed of it.

Study for "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" (1884) by Georges SeuratThe Metropolitan Museum of Art

Enjoyed your audio tour? Why not transport yourself into the sights and sounds of Seurat's 'A Sunday on La Grande Jatte'.

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