Palazzo Mora - Garden - Opening | TURENSCAPE Arch. (-2016-05-28)Time Space Existence - Biennale Architettura 2016
We, artists, creative entrepreneurs, and researchers, as a collective group we believe that there is a need for an emblematic space, located in Venice, dedicating time and space and presenting the existence of the culture of Europe.
A centre devoted to cultural exchanges, meetings, artistic projects, and laboratories, with Europeans and others, it is our aim to cherish our differences and strengthen cultural commons.
LeeMundwiler, CHiLL, Installation view at Palazzo Mora, 2016. by Photo: Patricia ParinejadTime Space Existence - Biennale Architettura 2016
TIME-SPACE-EXISTENCE is the second exhibition of the European Cultural Centre, which was created in 2014.
Sigrid Rauchdobler, Postal Distribution Center, 1994. Location: Linz, Austria. Architects: Perotti, Greifeneder & Partner. Installation view at Palazzo Mora, 2016. by Photo: GAA FoundationTime Space Existence - Biennale Architettura 2016
This exhibition should be seen as a platform for architects from Europe and other parts of the world to visually present their personal thoughts and creations about and within architecture.
CAZA, Mirror on the wall - Palazzo Mora - by GAA FoundationTime Space Existence - Biennale Architettura 2016
Sixty years ago, the Swiss philosopher and great pioneer of European integration, Denis de Rougemont, believed in a cultural Europe, in a Europe with direct participation of people beyond the nation-state with culture as a vital ingredient for Europe’s post-war rebuilding and healing.
Min2, Dialogue, 2016. R.A. DrieenhuizenTime Space Existence - Biennale Architettura 2016
Ingarden & Ewý Architects, Wicker Sculpture. Installation view at Palazzo Mora, 2016. by Photo: Patricia ParinejadTime Space Existence - Biennale Architettura 2016
Today, sixty years later, the importance of culture within the paradigm of our society’s wellbeing still needs recognition and further active stimulation, more than economic growth.
Patricia Parinejad, Refavela. Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Courtesy: Patricia Parinejad. Installation view at Palazzo Mora, 2016. by Photo: GAA FoundationTime Space Existence - Biennale Architettura 2016
To achieve a sustainable Europe, the environmental, social, and cultural objectives have to be rebalanced against the financial and economic ones.
Assistant Professorship of Architecture and Construction Dirk E. Hebel, ETH Zürich and Future Cities Laboratory Singapore. Installation view at Palazzo Mora, 2016. by Photo: GAA FoundationTime Space Existence - Biennale Architettura 2016
The role of creative and critical thinking, fostered by arts, architecture, and cultural activities, also plays a key role if the citizens are to regain trust in Europe.
aac Academy for Architectural CultureTime Space Existence - Biennale Architettura 2016