Family Life

Visit Tatjana Sutas' room.

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Room of Family Life

This is a room in which Tatjana Suta, daughter of the two artists, resided for several decades, and that is why it focuses attention on the family of Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova. 

Self-portrait in decorations workshop (1929/1929) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

The Family Album

The family album that is on the walls of the room shows the parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives of both artists, while the paintings show them and their closest people – Romans’ mother Natālija, as well as his and Aleksandra’s daughter Tatjana and granddaughter Inga.

People on the street. From drawings cycle "Street" (1927/1929) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Artists Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova

Romans Suta was born on April 28, 1896, on the way between Cēsis and Dzērbene. Aleksandra Beļcova was born on March 17, 1892, in a section of Ukraine. Aleksandra and Romans met in 1916 at the Penza School of Art.

Woman and Revolver (1924/1926) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Marriage Life

Family life for Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova was no rose garden; they constantly stepped away from one another and then came back together. Their personalities were too different, and, quite naturally, each artist wished to be independent.

Self-portrait with pipe (1919/1919) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Aleksandras Beļcova's reflections on Romans Suta

This was a relationship which never went lacking in passion. Aleksandra would later claim, however, that she did not regret the years that she spent with Romans. He was a very expansive person, she said. His nature was complicated, but he was the most interesting person in Riga!

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