We own the lair of the fascist beast! (1945) by Ék SándorMuseu do Caramulo
We own the lair of the fascist beast!
Ék Sándor
We own the lair of the fascist beast! (1945) by Ék SándorMuseu do Caramulo
We own the lair of the fascist beast!
Ék Sándor
Free Holland welcomes the soldiers of the Allies by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Free Holland. Welcomes the soldiers of the Allies.
Pat Keely
Nazi Germany will be quickly destroyed
- so as been decided by Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at the conference in the Crimea
Ék Sándor
Nazi Germany will be quickly destroyed
- so as been decided by Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at the conference in the Crimea
Ék Sándor
Jugoslavia's merchant seamen fight… by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
Jugoslavia's merchant seamen fight…
The americas united for victory and human progress by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
The United Americas for the Victory and the Human Progress
UnknownCoordinador de Asuntos Interamericanos, U.S.A.
Be ready The army must finish the job! (1942) by Russel TaberMuseu do Caramulo
Be ready. The army must finish the job!
Russel Taber
Department of National Defence, Canada
This time up to Berlin by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
This time we go until Berlin
United we are strong. United we will win.
Henry Koerne
Office of War Information, U.S.A.
We've made a monkey out of you!
J. H. King
We've made a monkey out of you!
J. H. King
Winter work ... Strengthened summer! (1941) by J. S. De RoosMuseu do Caramulo
Winter work... Strengthened summer!
J. S. De Roos
Hunt the Kraut Join the National Liberation Movement by Atelier R. P. R.Museu do Caramulo
Hunt the Kraut. Join the National Liberation Movement.
Atelier R. P. R.
Mouvement de Liberation Nationale, France
Salute to THE Resistance - and go ahead! by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Hail to the Resistance - and go ahead!
Bureau d’Information anglo-américain, France
Abandoned populations rely on the German soldiers! (1940) by Theo MatejkoMuseu do Caramulo
Abandoned populations rely on the German soldiers!
Theo Matejko
Fall in the fire-bomb fighters! by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Fall in the fire-bomb fighters!
Ministry of Home Security, Great Britain
Freedom shall prevail! by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
Freedom shall prevail!
Ours... to fight for freedom from fear by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
To fight for freedom from fear.
Rockwell Norman
U.S. Government
Ours... to fight for freedom from fear by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
To fight for freedom from fear.
Rockwell Norman
U.S. Government
Ours... to fight for freedom from want (1943) by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
To fight for freedom from want
Rockwell Norman
U.S. Government
That winning smile Now it is not about losing control by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
That winning smile. Now the point is not to lose your head.
Comrades, let's go! (1942) by Hubert RogersMuseu do Caramulo
Comrades, let's go!
Hubert Rogers
Wartime Information Board, Canada
Victory The armies of the united nations that will defeat Germany by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
The armies of the United Nations that will defeat Germany
National Revolution
Philippe H. Noyer (Equipe Alain Fournier)
Secrétariat Général de l'Information, France
The succession continues! There are some rest! by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
The Replacement continues!
They still need you… relieve them!
Tokyo by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Words of friendship lead to bad karma
Let's create a National Military Alliance against the Japanese
You can’t be certain - You can be ready
Train in your spare time in the National Hospital Service Reserve
Red Cross Society, Great Britain
Join A.R.P. (1944) by Jean CarluMuseu do Caramulo
Join A.R.P.
George Giusti
Fortune Magazine, U.S.A.
Mightier yet! Britain's Mechanised Army grows stronger every day by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Mightier yet!
Britain's Mechanised Army grows stronger every day
Harold Pym
Great Britain freedom defender by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
Great Britain defender of freedom
C. E. Turner
British Embassy Press and Information Services, Portugal
Great Britain freedom defender by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
Great Britain defender of freedom
UnknownBritish Embassy Press and Information Services, Portugal
Great Britain freedom defender by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
Great Britain defender of freedom
British Embassy Press and Information Services, Portugal
Great Britain freedom defender by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
Great Britain defender of freedom
British Embassy Press and Information Services, Portugal
Great Britain freedom defender by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
Great Britain defender of freedom
British Embassy Press and Information Services, Portugal
Let's stand against aggression by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
Let's unite against aggression
Young man, do a good job by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Young man, do a good job
EAM by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
1941-44 The new Papaflessas and Diakos fight for our nation
EAMMuseu do Caramulo
Hold high the legacy of our ancestors
EAM, Greece
The ELAS in the four years of slavery
was the guardian of the traditions of our homeland
EAMMuseu do Caramulo
EAM created the most heroic young people in the nation
Be with him at every mail call (1945) by Lejaren HillerMuseu do Caramulo
Be with him at every mail call
Lejaren Hiller
Recruiting Publicity Bureau U.S. Army
Be with him at every mail call (1945) by Lejaren HillerMuseu do Caramulo
Be with him at every mail call
Lejaren Hiller
Recruiting Publicity Bureau U.S. Army
United. The United Nations fight for freedom (1943) by Leslie Darrell RaganMuseu do Caramulo
United. The United Nations fight for freedom.
Leslie Darrell Ragan
Office of War Information, U.S.A.
The united nations fight for freedom by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
The United Nations fight for freedom
S. Broder
Office of War Information, U.S.A.
We have just begun to fight!
Office of War Information, U.S.A.
The victory of the United Nations is now certain by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
The victory of the United Nations is now certain
We are united nations
Life Magazine, U.S.A.
strong in the strenght of the lord by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Strong in the strength of the Lord
David Stone Martin
Office of War Information, U.S.A.
Blue Division Leningrado by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Blue Division
The Blue Division by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
The Spanish division
Blue Division The blood from the fallen doesn't consent oblivion by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Blue Division
The blood from the fallen doesn't consent oblivion
The Blue Division by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
The Blue Division
Russia is guilty by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Russia is guilty
5000 danish seamen sailing for United Nations by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
5000 danish seamen sailing for United Nations
Louise Dahl-Wolfe
The man who leads
the crowd is the one who thinks, plans and acts for himself
Oh, Lord! Lay down their weapons!
We will have them by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Let's get them!
Infantry, the queen of the armed forces
Hans Liska
Work for your victory as hard as we fight for it by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Work for victory as we fight for it!
Believing in Germany, we shall fulfill our destiny. Adolf Hitler (1939) by Robert FuchsMuseu do Caramulo
By believing in Germany, we shall fulfill our destiny.
Adolf Hitler
Robert Fuchs
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
There is no gain with half measures. The highest award requires the ultimate sacrifice. Theodor Fontane (1943) by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
There is no gain with half measures.
The highest award requires the ultimate sacrifice.
Theodor Fontane
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
FeuerspruchMuseu do Caramulo
Fire incantation
The flame shines through the smoke!
Following the ancient sacred custom
The heart will rise
The flame is purified by smoke:
So purify our faith!
Your light, who wants to steal it?
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
The mother's heart is the son's most beautiful place, even if he has gray hair. And everyone have, in the whole universe, a heart like this. (1942) by Adalbert StifterMuseu do Caramulo
The mother's heart is the son's most beautiful place
even if he has gray hair. And everyone have, in the whole universe, a heart like this.
Adalbert Stifter
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
When this war comes to an end, I will become a National-Socialist even more fanatic than ever before. Adolf Hitler (1942) by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
When this war comes to an end
I will become a National-Socialist even more fanatic than ever before.
Adolf Hitler
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
Above the freedom of the inividual lies the freedom of our people. Adolf Hitler (1939) by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Above the freedom of the inividual lies
the freedom of our people.
Adolf Hitler
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
Thriving hearts are the ones who lead to victory. (1943) by AhrléMuseu do Caramulo
Thriving hearts are the ones who lead to victory.
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
Today, the German people and its soldiers work and fight, not only for the present but also for the future generations. (1942) by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Today, the German people and its soldiers work and fight
not only for the present but also for the future generations.
Adolf Hitler
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
Posterity forget men who only serve their own interests and praises the heroes who renounce their own happiness. Word of the Führer (1942) by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Posterity forget men who only serve their own interests
and praises the heroes who renounce their own happiness.
Word of the Führer
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
Only serenity and a heart of steel will lead to victory. Goebbels (1943) by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Only serenity and a heart of steel will lead to victory.
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
You carry the flags and standards and are the guarantors for the liberation of Europe from Bolshevism by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Bring the flags and banners
and be the assurance of an Europe free from Bolshevism
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
September 10 - in Bromberg Bloody Sunday. When light collides with darkness there are no agreements, only the struggle of life or death to the extermination of one party. Dietrich Eckart (1942) by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
September 10 - in Bromberg Bloody Sunday
When light collides with darkness there are no agreements, only the struggle of life or death to the extermination of one party.
Dietrich Eckart
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
It can not be otherwise: we have to win and we will win.
Adolf Hitler
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
SS - The victorious behind us!
Only brave people have a safe life (1942) by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Only brave people have a safe life
Reichspropagandaleitung, Germany
Handeln by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
You should act as if fate of Germany depended on you
and your actions and the responsibility was yours.
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Dig ’em out
Philco Corporation, U.S.A.
Crush fascism. Perpetrators of war must pay war debts! (1945) by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Crush fascism. Perpetrators of war must pay war debts!
Soumen Kansan Demokraattisen Liiton
Objective Tokio by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Objective Tokio
Coordinador de Asuntos Interamericanos, U.S.A.
Join the army (1941) by Veyron-Lacroix (Equipe Alain Fournier)Museu do Caramulo
Join the army
Veyron-Lacroix (Equipe Alain Fournier)
In the battle field and in the work field, the army and the people assure our victory (1942) by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
In the battle field and in the work field
the army and the people assure our victory
Servizio Propaganda P.N.F., Italy
What is the atlantic battle (1943) by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
What is the Atlantic battle
UnknownServizio Propaganda P.N.F., Italy
The block taken by the enemy has not affected the Axxis powers (1943) by UnkownMuseu do Caramulo
The block taken by the enemy
has not affected the Axxis powers
Servizio Propaganda P.N.F., Italy
Freedom of the seas is in your own backyard (1944) by Herbert BayerMuseu do Caramulo
Freedom of the seas is in your own backyard
Herbert Bayer
Fortune Magazine, U.S.A.
Choose the Regular Army Air Forces for your career (1945) by OttMuseu do Caramulo
Choose the Regular Army Air Forces for your career
Japanese Poster 5 by UnknownMuseu do Caramulo
Japanese, fighting against China
is already occupying Nankin and showing the "Japanese Strong Spirit"
After the occupation of Nakin
the second phase of occupation of all territories and the stabilization of the new Japanese government in China has already started
The people of the involved nations were mobilised in an active support of the war effort by the powerful images in the posters. The printed poster was the main form of propaganda, especially since it was easy to produce and could be glued almost anywhere, so that the message was always present among the citizens, asking them to give more of themselves, produce more and sacrifice themselves for the sake of the war effort. The posters were also the most democratic way of reaching equally all kinds of people. In the United States alone, more than 3000 different posters were produced.
The Art of Persuasion - Protection
The Art of Persuasion - Financing
The Art of Persuasion - Production
The Art of Persuasion - Rationing
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