Clifford McManus

Clifford introduces the UK AIDS Quilt in his own words

Clifford McManusAIDS Quilt UK

Clifford McManus

Clifford McManus is a volunteer for the UK AIDS Memorial Quilt partnership co-ordinating many public displays of the Quilt across the UK.

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Clifford was diagonsed with HIV in January 1991 and helped curate the Stitched into Memory exhibition.

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The stories feature famous names such as artist Keith Haring as well as unknown or unnamed people.

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The stigma around HIV AIDS means some of the names were anonymised.

Clifford McManusAIDS Quilt UK

Clifford McManus 4

The quilts are stored at Positive East, London and often displayed around World AIDS Day (1 Dec). This exhibition is the first time the UK quilts have been displayed digitally for the world to see.

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