Slovak Modern Art

Muzeum: Nedbalka Gallery

Nedbalka Gallery

Installed on four gallery floors, the permanent exposition focused on the birth and development of Slovak modern art provides an overview of the history of 20th century Slovak painting and sculpture.

Winter Landscape - Dunajec river (1889), autor: Mednyánszky LadislavNedbalka Gallery

About 160 paintings and sculptures give visitors a greater insight into Slovak art scene of the period.

Montain Lake (1890), autor: Mednyánszky LadislavNedbalka Gallery

This categorisation of works into their relevant contexts in the development of art allows the exhibition to underline links and relations, while the works retain their own features and stand out as unique pieces of art.

Adam and Eve, Mikuláš Galanda, 1935, Ze sbírky: Nedbalka Gallery
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The marshland (1916), autor: Mednyánszky LadislavNedbalka Gallery

Ladislav Mednyánszky, one of the most reputable landscape artists of his era, brought the type of landscape painting in the manner of lyrical realism to a level of absolute mastery.

Walkers (1986), autor: Paštéka MilanNedbalka Gallery

The art at the turn of the twentieth century was still dominated by genres such as portrait, landscape painting and still life, however, due to artists’ new vision of the world and their new understanding of art and its mission they underwent significant changes.

Mother with child, Mikuláš Galanda, 1934, Ze sbírky: Nedbalka Gallery
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Dunajec river (1900), autor: Mednyánszky LadislavNedbalka Gallery

Painter-philosopher László Mednyánszky, is one of the most enigmatic figures in the history of European art. Despite an aristocratic background, he spent most of his life moving around Europe working as an artist.

The Power of Money (1880/1885), autor: Skutezky DominikNedbalka Gallery

Dominik Skutezky: The BenchNedbalka Gallery

Dominik Skutecký (14 February 1849, Gajary – 13 March 1921, Banská Bystrica) was a Slovakian painter of Jewish ancestry. He specialized in landscapes, portraits and genre scenes.

Woodland (1889), autor: Mednyánszky LadislavNedbalka Gallery

On the one hand, Ladislav Mednyánszky was fascinated by the grandness and power of natural forces, on the other hand he felt deep compassion for suffering, which led him to create exceptionally rich, expressive figures, what was more or less unique in Slovak fine art.

To the most beautiful (1880), autor: Skutezky DominikNedbalka Gallery

Dominik Skutezky depicted subjects from everyday life of burgers.

The Furnace (1897), autor: Skutezky DominikNedbalka Gallery

It was in the environs of the town of Banská Bystrica that Dominik Skutezky discovered his life-long theme: work in copper smelters, which inspired him to capture brand new subjects with an epic and expressive power not found before, thus introducing a new subject in genre art in the wider region around us.

Carnations in a vase (1930), autor: Mikuláš GalandaNedbalka Gallery

The whole of Paštek's work takes place in intentions of intimate and intimate painting with the aim of grasping by means of painterly means, but basically poetization, something of reality.

Waiting room (1980), autor: Paštéka MilanNedbalka Gallery

The pate enters the art scene in the late fifties and early sixties with its expressive painting characterized by coarsely applied colors and deliberately deformed or stylized figures set in hints of designated space.

Disinherited (1920/1925), autor: Palugyay ZoltánNedbalka Gallery

Thanks to these artists and their work, the phenomenon of Slovak modern fine art was able to develop in later periods.

Autoři: Příběh

Ladislav Mednyánszky, Dominik Skutezky, Peter Július Kern, Anton Jaszusch, Ľudovít Fulla, Mikuláš Galanda, Martin Benka, Miloš Alexander Bazovský, Cyprián Majerník, Vincent Hložník, Gustáv Mallý, Endre Nemes, Andrej Barčík, Vladimír Kompánek, Rudolf Krivoš, Milan Laluha, Milana Paštéka, Andrej Rudavský, Ivan Štubňa a Pavol Tóth, Júliuss Jakoby, Ernest Zmeták, Imrich Weiner-Kráľ, Viera Kraicova, Ester Martinčeková-Šimerová, Ladislav Guderna, Marián Čunderlík, Viera Žilinčanová, Michal Jakabčic, Stanislav Filko, Rudolf Fila, Milan Dobeš, Ján Ilavský a Július Bártfay.

Autoři: všechna média
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