The Ghosts of the Grodziec Castle

Meet the Red Phantom and the Black Great Grandmother

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Grodziec Castle

A magnificent castle built on top of a volcanic hill, located in the village of Grodziec, in Złotoryja District, it attracts tourists and Middle Ages enthusiasts from all over the country.

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Come and enter through the thick, old walls!

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It presents really scenic views regardless of the season of the year.

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These days, it hosts various events and festivals reminiscent of the Middle Ages. People dress up as knights and damsels. They shoot with a bow, dance medieval dances, and taste the cuisine inspired by past epochs.

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Nowadays, it has become quite a tourist destination with a restaurant, a souvenir shop, and parking for cars nearby.

During the festivals, the castle is locked up from tourists so that the atmosphere of the past prevails there with no disruptions. 

Who else can you meet up in the Grodziec Castle apart from the dressed-up knights? Apparently, dressed-up ghosts!

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View of the castle during the autumn.

Grodziec Castle, Lower Silesia, Poland by Michal SiarekMuseum of Architecture in Wroclaw

The Black Great Grandmother

One of the ghosts allegedly haunting the castle is the so-called Black Great Grandmother. A ghost of a woman, dressed all in black, with a black, glossy cloak, wearing a big silver cross on her chest. 

If a person with bad intentions passes her by, the cross loses its lustre and becomes dull.

In the castle corridors, you can also meet the Red Phantom . More precisely, it's a skeleton dressed in red. The legend goes that when the cruel castellan, Jan, encountered the Red Skeleton, he got so scared that he completely changed his life. 

He distributed his big fortune to the poor. He also started to pray and fast.

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No more to be said, visit the castle and check out the ghosts by yourself!

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One last look at Grodziec Castle!

Credits: Story

Photography: Michał Siarek

Credits: All media
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